“No, no, not at all.” I sniffed, giving him a small smile.

“Are you feeling okay?” he asked, the note of concern in his voice touched my heart and squeezed.

I let out a tiny laugh. “I’m feeling everything right now.”

He exhaled deeply, leaning his forehead onto mine. “Me too. I’m so relieved and happy we’re back together like this. But I’m also so crazy scared for Trey, it’s ripping me apart inside.”

My fingers brushed up and down his cheeks as I nodded. “Yeah, I know.”

His head lifted, and he gazed down at me with red, watery eyes. “What should we do?” he asked in such a sincere voice it nearly broke my heart.

I reached up and pulled his head to mine. “The only thing we can do, Beau. We feel.”

Then I kissed his open mouth.

And he kissed me back.

Then he made love to me—tears falling from both our eyes, mingling our happiness with our sorrow.

After we were done, we cried in each other’s arms until we finally fell asleep.