I chose to ignore him, and his sexy voice. I stretched my arms up high, rolling my head on my shoulders.
“Need a neck rub? Because I could really use a good neck rub right now,” Beau said, making my lower belly clench. I was pretty sure my nipples just hardened, too.
Darn it.
“Nope, I’m good,” I lied, continuing to walk toward the kitchen. I opened the fridge to see what I could start for supper. “You can go back to the party. I don’t mind watching them while they sleep,” I said, observing again how my fridge seemed bare now compared to when Beau was living here.
“I like this party better.”
I peered over my shoulder at him as he leaned his hands against the top of the island. That always made his biceps pop out even more.
Darn it.
“It took them a lot of time and effort to set that party up for you. You should really go down and spend some time there.”
“It took them zero time and zero effort. It was a staged, bullshit party for the show. I don’t give a shit about it—and neither does anyone else down there.”
“It would have been nice to know it was happening. Guess I didn’t get the memo.” I glared at him after I shut the fridge and dropped the broccoli on the counter.
He cocked his head to the side and leaned further toward me. “Why? So you could make sure to skip it?”
My silence was my response.
“You won’t answer my calls or texts. I had to call in the big guns.”
I removed the rubber band holding the broccoli stems together, then I grabbed a knife and started getting rid of the smaller leaves.
“Are you ever going to forgive me?” he asked, his voice raspy and sharp. He stared at me with such intensity, I nearly had to take a step backward.
“The fact that you kept those two a secret from me isn’t exactly a small infraction, Beau.” I shook my head as I felt my heart begin to speed up in anger.
“I didn’t know they were mine, Geneviève. I was waiting for confirmation,” he growled out, his eyes narrowing on me.
I threw the knife down and pointed toward the couch. “Bullshit, Beau! They look exactly like you. I’m sure you worked out the timing, as well. You weren’t waiting for confirmation—you were waiting to think up an excuse.”
All the emotion drained out of his face. I’d never seen him look like this and it scared me. “I really thought you of all people would be mature enough to handle this. Guess I was wrong.” His words struck me like a bat to the chest. He turned around and stormed off to the door. “Text me when they wake up,” he said, not even bothering to look at me again.