Gigi’s laugh made me glance over at her again. She was sitting on the floor, playing with the stash of toys we kept down here for kids. Sylvie was handing her plates of plastic food and Gigi was pretending it was the best thing she’d ever been served.

“Oh my God, you haven’t tapped that yet, have you? Holy shit,” Lucien said, snapping me out of what I’d been staring at.

“Are you trying to piss me off? Because if you are, you’re going about it the right way. You need to lay the fuck off. Get me?” I scowled, then bent down to take my turn.

“You’re living together but you haven’t—aww damn it. It’s all fake, isn’t it? That thought crossed my mind when I found out how old she was. She’s young even for you, man. Gotta tell you, on the show they make it look real.”

“Do you realize you’re having a conversation with yourself right now?” I asked, ready to throttle him.

He laughed at me for a moment then said, “I’ve known you all your life. Your face says everything you’re feeling. You know how I could tell? You’ve got the, ‘I want her so bad’ look. But you don’t have that satisfied look guys get when they’re—getting it.”

I spun around to him and gave him one more warning. “That’s not any of your business.”

“Oh my God, you’re in love with her, aren’t you? Holy shit, Bro,” he said, slapping me on my arm. “You love her, but you haven’t gotten in there yet? Jesus, man, what’s the hold up? Some advice? Lock that shit down before someone else does. She’s gorgeous. Move fast or you’ll be even further on the outside looking in.”

I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath to stop myself from yelling at my asshole brother. “You need to shut the hell up.”

“Never thought I’d see the day,” he said, shaking his head as he leaned over to take his turn, “never thought I’d see the fucking day my brother would fall in love.”

The TV went on across the room, my sister working to set up something to play from her phone. Probably some videos of my niece at her dance class. Then it played on the big screen—the video I’d just posted to my social media account of us at the rink.

Everyone laughed at my introduction. Then they cracked up again when Gigi made the comment about taking care of my jersey.

I was hooked, watching Gigi move and spin with ease as she glided on the ice.

So were my nieces and nephews—and everyone else in the room. We were all glued to the screen.

My voice was more than audible when it sounded through the speakers. “How is it possible to have beauty, brains, and talent like that? It’s not really fair to the rest of the world, Geneviève.”

Until this second, I hadn’t realized I’d said that out loud.

At the rink while I had been recording her, apparently, I’d been too captivated in her routine.

And her.

G turned around, giving me a sweet, almost bashful smile. I couldn’t help but smile back.

“Aww, my big brother is so cute,” Élise said, grabbing a hold of Gigi and giving her a side hug.

“You got it bad, man. Listen to me,” Lucien said, poking his pool cue in my chest. “Lock. That. Shit. Down. Before it’s too late.”