Rez made an unintelligible sound that I think was supposed to be ‘I love you.’

I relaxed in his arms, basking in the afterglow of our lovemaking. Rez made a new sound, a sound that was otherworldly in its beauty. It was as though a whale’s sound had been blended with thunder. My body responded instantly to the sound, turning to putty against him as a contented calm settled inside me.

The magic dome collapsed harmlessly into the sand.

“What’s that sound?” I whispered, voice hoarse.

Rez was slow to respond, and when he did, it was through the mental link. It isthe mate call for my kind. Every dinosaur has a unique call that only he, or she, can produce for their mate. It is the dinosaur version of I love you.

Tears blurred my vision. “It’s beautiful. And it is only for me?”

Only for you. Always for you, Rez promised.

When Rez spoke next, it was out loud, his voice rough. “I love you, Arizona.”

“I love you too, Rez.”

A shuffling to our left had me glancing over. Zon and Jack looked sheepish.

My body ached from Rez’s lovemaking, and all I wanted was sleep, but guilt wormed its way through me at disappointing Rez.

They don’t want to admit it, but when you orgasmed and released your magic, it affected them.Rez chuckled.

Affected them how?I searched them for injuries but found none.

They came instantly when your magic hit them full force. It would have done the same to me, but I was already there. Rez was amused.

Setting me on the sand, Rez gathered our scattered clothing, and we began to dress. When everyone was ready to leave, Zon scooped me into his arms. “I’m sorry we didn’t complete our claiming, Zon.”

“Don’t be! That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, baby girl. It’s better this way. Rez is going to be a little clingy over the next couple of days. His beast is going to feel even more protective over you due to the claiming, and Rez will need your constant touch to calm him. Focus on him right now. We will have our time, and I want all your attention on me. Like I said, I’m willing to wait. It will just make it sweeter.”

Zon gave me a quick kiss as Rez snatched me away.

My heart had never felt so full.