I barked a laugh. “That doesn’t make sense, Rez! You are fine to visit pound town as long as we face each other, but if we do it doggy style, it’s suddenly taboo?”

“Doggy style.” Zon’s eyes glinted as they traveled down my body. “Dino style is far superior.”

My body heated, and my imagination kicked into overdrive. Zon took a single step toward me before Rez’s palm slammed into his chest, stopping him.

“I said no! That is final.” Rezkac gave a frustrated growl.

“You are not the boss of me!” I hated that I sounded like a bratty teenager, but it was frustrating that everyone in my life had taken to making decisions for me without asking for my input. Also, I swear my lady bits were about to come to life and bite someone’s head off if I didn’t come soon.

Rez’s shoulders stiffened, but to my surprise, it was Zon who responded; all teasing gone from his voice. “Because dinosaurs only have sex in one position. The male penetrates from behind. When we are in our human form and experience intense emotions, it can trigger our beast, and that is dangerous since our self-control is strained.”

“Trigger you to what? Shift into your dinosaur body?” The thought of him shifting into his raptor with his erection inside me was terrifying. How long would his dino-dong be? It would split me in two.

Rez answered, “No, of course not. Our beast would never do something so dangerous and risk the life of his mate. The beast is eager to please his mate too, and will use magic to alter certain parts of our bodies to increase the satisfaction of our mate and the likelihood of her conceiving.”

“I don’t get it. If your beast would be doing that to please me, then why do you think it would hurt me?” I wasn’t about to admit how curious his admission had made me. What could the beast do during sex to make it even better? I squeezed my legs together, hoping that the guys wouldn’t smell my lust.

“Because those, um, adjustments were intended for female dinosaur shifters. Their bodies were made for ours—no matter what our form. Your body was not, and I fear the beast doesn’t understand that. I won’t risk you being injured.” Rez was resolute in his conviction.

However, when I looked at Zon, the raptor winked. My body clenched in response. If I wanted to test the theory, I would bet Zon would be down for some experimenting.

With a smirk, I reached for the hem of my shirt, preparing to pull it over my head. Unfortunately, a sharp knock at the door kept me from trying to test my theory.

I was getting pretty tired of being interrupted by uninvited guests. Maybe I should start looking at moving sooner rather than later?