Exasperated, I demanded. What now?

They were terrible mothers. Absolutely terrible! Res exclaimed, his voice tight as he tried to hold back his laughter.

Yeah, then explain why they were found near their eggs and skeletons of their young if they weren’t protecting them!

They fed on their young, that’s why! Zon cackled.

Rez pulled himself together, trying to sound serious. These were not shifters, our kind would never do something so atrocious. When the babies began to hatch, the adults of the species would descend on their nest, devouring the young.

No! I gasped. Science couldn’t have gotten it that wrong.

Zon, unable to help himself, elaborated, Yeah, and they didn’t care if it was their neighbor’s kids or their own. They were literally the worst parents of the dinosaur world. The only reason they survived for so long as a species was due to the large number of offspring they produced.

Unable to speak and really not sure what to do with the information that the dinos had just given me, I motioned for the tour group to continue walking.

I spent the rest of the tour carefully avoiding the dino-dudes and the detective. When finally, my guests were exploring the museum on their own, I moved toward the desk, hoping to drink the rest of my now cold coffee.

“Miss Arizona? Do you have a minute?” I didn’t need to turn around to recognize Detective Oliver’s voice.

Sighing, I slowly turned around to face him, plastering a tired smile on my face. “Hi, Detective.”

“Call me Jack.” He held out his hand, and wary, I took it.

Just like before, electricity traveled between our clasped hands. Was the man wearing a prank clown zapper? With an awkward laugh, I pulled my hand free, massaging the tingling skin with my opposite hand. “Quite the handshake you got there.”

Jack turned his hand, his brow crinkling. “Odd. That only happens with you.”

My mouth moved faster than my brain, and I retorted playfully, “I bet that’s what you tell all the girls.” I wanted to kick myself. Why was I flirting with him? I never flirted!

Jack’s lips curved into a smile. “You’re something else, Arizona. And no, I don’t tell other girls that. It seems you have a shocking effect on me.”

I couldn’t help it. I laughed at his lame pun. I was a sucker for corny jokes. Which is exactly why I needed to get as far away from him as possible. “Is there something you needed help with?”

“No, not today anyway. I just wanted to say hello and see if you had remembered anything else about Sunday night?” His features had shifted back into that of a focused professional, and my heart gave a sad ache.

Could my newly awakened magic really be playing that much havoc inside me? I made a mental note to discuss my magical mood swings with Rez.

“No, I still haven’t been able to remember anything. I’m sorry. I really wish I could be of more help.” I gave him a sad smile. “I promise to call if I do, though!”

“That’s all I can ask. See you around, Arizona.” Without waiting for my response, Jack spun on his heel and headed out of the lobby into the late afternoon sunshine.

* * *

Returning home that evening,I was relieved to find that both men were safely in the apartment. Both men were dressed in the same dark jeans they’d been wearing at the museum, but their shirts were nowhere to be seen. Zon lay stretched out on the couch, while Rez leaned back against the couch, his legs crossed in front of him.

They must have figured out how to use the television because both men were completely enthralled, not even glancing at me as I came through the door.

Well, I guess the honeymoon stage is over!I laughed to myself. I set my stuff down and stepped down the hall to crack open the door to the spare room, wanting to make sure Albert Einswine was unharmed.

The little ham gave a happy oink and stretched his front legs before wiggling his way over to me.

“Well, hello, Albert.” I scratched under his chin. “I’m glad to see you didn’t become an appetizer for the men.”

Albert released a noise that was curiously similar to a snort of derision, as though he found the concept of him being in danger from the two men ridiculous. I had to admire his confidence. Quickly washing out his food and water dish, I poured clean water and his favorite food.

Once he was happily chowing down, curly pink tail twitching, I decided it was time I got comfy too.

I kicked off my shoes in the hallway and slipped out of the tight jeans and navy dress shirt I was required to wear while working the front of the museum.

Rummaging through a drawer, I found one of my buttery-soft oversized T-shirts and slipped it over my head. I briefly considered slipping on a pair of shorts underneath it for modesty, but decided against it and closed the dresser drawer.

Feeling a bit naughty, I made my way down the hall and into the living room. Rez’s attention continued to be focused on the television, but Zon noticed me standing beside the couch, and his eyes darkened as they traveled the length of my body.

Zon’s nostrils flared, sending warmth flooding my belly. It was intoxicating having a man look at me like that. He opened his arms for me, scooting until he was lying on his side, with his back pressed against the back of the couch.

Rez didn’t even notice as I stepped over his legs and laid down in front of Zon. There was barely enough room for the two of us, even with both of us lying on our sides.

Zon held me tight against him as we watched the movie. A movie I couldn’t even tell you about, because I was far too busy savoring how good it felt to not be alone after a long day at work.

Sure, I’d had Albert to greet me, and the little pig had cheered me up through some pretty down times. But I hadn’t realized how lonely I was until that very moment being cuddled by Zon.