“Yeah, but it is likely to be horribly awkward for a while.” I chewed my thumbnail. “Plus, how am I going to explain the two of you?”

Rez shrugged. I already explained that to your father.

“No, your explanation likely has them thinking a friend gifted me with two male strippers and that I need therapy because I am secretly a sex fiend.” Groaning, I dropped my head against his chest.

Stripper? I don’t understand—

I cut him off.“Don’t worry about that. We need to find you some clothes. You can’t go out looking like that.”

I dug in the back of my drawer and came out with a small pile of clothing that an ex had left behind and I’d never gotten around to donating. “These won’t be your size, but they will do until I can go shopping.”

Zon walked into the room, and I tossed a pair of pants at both men. Zon sniffed and rumbled a growl. Rez did the same.

“What now?” I slipped on a clean thong and dug for a pair of my pants.

These belong to another male. Is there another male we need to know about?

I halted, my skinny jeans halfway up my thighs. “No, I haven’t been with him for almost two years. Why do you suddenly care? You were fine with me bringing the detective to bed, but now you are jealous of my ex?”

Us agreeing to bring in an additional male is different from us needing to seek approval from an already established mate. There is a sense of pride in being the first mate,Rez answered, as though his logic made perfect sense.

“Whatever. There is nothing for you to worry about. There aren’t any other guys in my life right now, and I have zero plans to add any more. Good grief, I don’t even know how to explain this”—I waved my hand between the three of us—“to my parents. They aren’t exactly the most accepting of non-traditional relationships.”

Wiggling, I managed to get my jeans over my hips and pulled on a soft cami. Rushing to my bathroom, I swiped a brush through my hair. I glanced at my reflection, noting the redness on my cheeks from the men’s stubble and my puffy lips from their kisses. Unfortunately, I lacked the makeup skills needed to hide those signs of my love life.

Zon captured me in his arms as I left the bathroom. He nuzzled my neck, swaying slightly. At his touch, some of the anxiety vibrating through me relaxed. Rez stepped up behind us, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. They cocooned me in their embrace, and it felt like heaven.

I understand enough of your thoughts to realize a relationship with more than one man is not common in your culture, nor is it something you had considered. I just ask that you please give us a chance to show you that this can work. We can work.Rez’s plea was an arrow to my heart.

Selfishly, I wanted this. I was living a dream straight out of a smutty novel. But the reality was a lot harder… starting with explaining things to my parents. If I gave them even a fraction of the truth, they might very well disown me. If I gave them the full truth, they’d probably have me committed.

A tentative knock on my front door interrupted us. Scrubbing my hands against my puffy red face. I headed toward my front door, feeling for all the world like I was heading to my execution.