Stop fighting. You are feeling the effects of the bond. It is how things should be, Rez soothed, stroking his hand along my cheekbone.

I didn’t fully understand what he meant by a bond, but I could get those answers tomorrow. Tonight, I was going to let my heart lead me.

Reaching up, I traced his stubbled jawline, enjoying the feel of his dark stubble against my hand. Turning his head, Rez caught my finger between his teeth. Butterflies exploded in my stomach when he swirled his tongue around my finger.

Zon’s hand traveled across my breast, languidly massaging the tender skin. Between the two of them, I was pretty sure my body was about to burst into flames.

Releasing my finger, Rez shifted his weight, freeing his hand to travel down my ribs and hip until he reached the junction of my thighs. My breath caught in my lungs, waiting to feel his touch. After waiting for this moment since the Stone Age, his patience had apparently run dry as well, because he didn’t make me wait. His finger delved inside me, running along my slick walls as he teased me.

This is not teasing you. I’m making sure you are ready for me, so I don’t hurt you.A sexy smile flashed across Rez’s handsome face, bumping my need up another notch. Fingers and tongues were great—in their case, fantastic—but I needed more.

One more thing, it will be difficult for me to control my beast nature. I will not harm you, but there are some things about the beast that I’m not sure your human body can handle safely. When we are having sex, you need to face me. If I take you from behind, I’m afraid my control will slip, and instinct will take over.Rez’s brow wrinkled in concern while he waited for me to say I understood.

I understood. He was saying some really kinky and possibly dangerous stuff might happen if I wiggled my butt in his face and his beast nature came out to play. What I didn’t understand was why that was a bad thing? This was like telling someone that they shouldn’t press the red button. That is just going to make them want to press it more.

But I was growing tired of waiting, so I nodded in agreement. I would behave. Probably. Maybe.

Satisfied, although clearly suspicious, Rez pressed himself against my wet entrance. With the speed of a sloth, he pushed the head of his erection inside and stilled, giving me time to adjust.

“Rez,” I growled. At this rate, I would be old and gray before this was over.

I don’t want to hurt you, Rez responded, voice strained.

“You aren’t going to hurt me!” I protested. Wrapping my legs around his hips, I pulled us together, forcing him deeper inside me.

Our moans blended together. Rez lowered himself until we were pressed together. He was careful not to crush me with his full weight as I trembled against him.

I’d forced him deep, but Rez wasn’t done there. Shifting his hips, he pushed still deeper inside me. Deeper than any penis had gone before. Dino-dudes were obviously built differently.

When he finally began to slide out, every nerve in my body was vibrating with need. I could do little more than cling to him as he thrust in and out, his movements slow at first, but building faster as the urgency for release pushed him.

Rez’s thumbs brushed against my skin, a surprisingly tender gesture. His eyes grew dark as he looked down at me.

All those years spent dreaming of this day, and yet none of those imaginings compare to the real thing. You are incredible, Arizona.

Rez’s words, combined with his powerful thrusts, sent me flying off the precipice and into the bliss of my ecstasy. I screamed his name both out loud and in my mind as I collapsed beneath him. He sheathed himself inside me once more, and I felt him jerk as he found his own release.

Rez nuzzled my neck, whispering words in a language I didn’t understand. While I didn’t comprehend the exact meaning of the words and clicks, I admired its alluring rhythm and flow. My eyelids grew heavy, and my body melted against the two men on either side of me. It was going to be a long night, and a quick nap wouldn’t hurt.