What do you get if you cross a dinosaur with a pig?

Jurassic Pork.

* * *

Ididn’t get a chance to respond before a second pair of arms slid around my waist from behind, and a broad chest pressed against my back. My yelp of surprise changed to a low moan as Zonkut’s mouth pressed to my neck. I expected Rezkac to be angry at Zonkut, but Rez only acknowledged Zon with a rasping chirp before focusing his attention back on my mouth.

I’d lived a pretty boring life up until that point. While my sporadic sex life had been okay, it had been pretty vanilla… and I’d been perfectly okay with that. The thought of a threesome hadn’t been something I was interested in. Not until that moment when four hands were exploring my body, stealing my breath away as they moved ever closer to the parts of me that were begging for attention.

I should slam on the brakes until my brain had a chance to sort through the chaos of the night. That’s what I wanted, wasn’t it?

There was no point in trying to lie to myself. The truth was, I didn’t want them to stop. I wanted—no, I needed—more.

My legs wobbled, struggling to hold me upright. Zon’s arm slid around my waist, steading me between them. The men exchanged several more of the inhuman clicks and seemed to come to an agreement.

Still sandwiching my body between their hard-muscled chests, they moved toward the couch. Rezkac shed the borrowed coat, giving me an unobstructed view of his chiseled body and hard erection. He wanted me. A blush spread across my skin, while lust spread through my veins beneath it.

Before I could give in to the primal urge that wanted me to jump Rez’s body, Zonkut spun me in his arms so that I faced him. He’d shed his ill-fitting coat as well and stood naked in front of me. My mouth simultaneously watered and went dry.

How was a girl supposed to choose between two men who were equally impressive physically? Especially when her selfish heart wanted to lay claim to both?

Zonkut gave me a small smile, his brow raising as if asking a question.

He wants to know if his body meets your approval,Rezkac supplied. Zon is still struggling to adjust to human language and thought.

Were they crazy? Maybe they didn’t realize how many women on earth would give up sex for the rest of their lives just to have a single night with one of them.

It doesn’t matter what other women think. Only what you think. Are we satisfactory to… you? Rez said the words every girl wanted to hear, and I could feel myself melting.

“Yes. You are fine. I mean, you’re both good.” I wanted to slap my hand over my mouth to stop my nervous rambling. Truthfully, if I’d seen them in a magazine, I would have thought someone photoshopped them because no man was that perfect in real life.

Rezkac gave a rumbling laugh. Sitting down on the couch, he relayed my answer to Zon. Relief crossed Zon’s face. It was followed by a wicked smile as he closed the small gap between us. Using his body, he slowly walked me backward until the back of my knees bumped Rezkac’s legs.

Faster than I could blink, Zon pulled my tattered shirt over my head. Then he flicked out a claw and sliced the band of what remained of my bra. I blinked, unable to believe I’d just seen his finger waiver between human and raptor. It served as an incredible distraction, because I forgot to be embarrassed by my breasts, which were on full display. I forgot how to breathe when his mouth latched onto my nipple.

Zon wasn’t done yet though, and his hands slid to the waistband of my athletic pants, pausing while he watched my face, waiting for permission. I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat. He didn’t wait to be told twice.

Dropping to his knees in front of me, Zon hooked his fingers around the stretchy band and slowly dragged the pants down my body. Why hadn’t anyone told me how erotic it was to have someone undress you? By the time I stepped free of the garment, I was panting.

My tiny neon yellow thong was all that hid me from his eyes, and my relief at having chosen a decent pair of underwear that morning instead of my granny panties was immense. I made a mental note to never wear crappy underwear again. It just wasn’t worth the risk, no matter how comfy they were. Plus, who knew when some seriously sexy dinos from the Stone Age were going to come back to life and want to rock your world?

Zon stroked his calloused fingers up the inside of my leg, stopping just shy of the juncture of my legs. Trembling, I reached out a hand to his shoulder, attempting to balance myself. It was a futile effort. Zon leaned forward, pressing his hot mouth against the fabric of my thong.

“Oh!” It was the only word I could remember how to say. “Oooh!”

Zon sucked the thin fabric that separated his lips from mine. I’m not sure how much longer I would have been able to remain standing had Rez not grabbed my hips and pulled me down on his lap. Rez’s erection pressed against my butt while Zon scooted forward, keeping his mouth moving against the tiny triangle of fabric.

Shifting me on his lap slightly, Rez angled my hips apart, giving Zon full access to me. Zon moved in tighter between my legs, eager to take advantage of my new position. I squirmed, more in anticipation than discomfort.

Be still, Rez growled against my ear.

If any man had dared boss me around in the past, I would have kicked him out of my house instantly. But this must be a night of firsts for me, because my body responded by growing wetter. Zon inhaled a shuddering breath, his teeth nipping at the soaked fabric.

The teasing brush of Zon’s finger as it slid along my inner thigh caused my skin to prickle. His mouth disappeared, only to be replaced by his finger stroking the fabric.

“Stop teasing me,” I groaned.