What do you call a karate trained pig?

A pork chop.

* * *

Arm shaking, I reached out to offer him a handshake. Zonkut laced his fingers through mine and drew me forward. Caught off balance, I tumbled against him.

“Ompf!” My words were muffled against his washboard abs. I resisted the urge to lick them. Barely.

Shaking my head to clear it of the powerful ancient dirt juju, I tried to step away, but Zonkut’s arms wrapped around me. Our bodies melded together as perfectly, just as Rezkac’s body and mine had fit together.

Zonkut breathed deep, his nose buried in my hair. He followed by releasing a series of soft whistling chirps.

He is pleased you are his mate and relieved you are unharmed. Zonkut was terrified you were going to die when we had only just found you. Rezkac paused, head tilting to the side as Zonkut whistled again. Something glinted in Rezkac’s eyes as he spoke again. Zonkut smells your desire and looks forward to mounting your body many times in the near future.

I staggered away from him, horror and horniness battling for dominance. He could smell me? THAT? We’d just met, and he was already thinking of taking me to bed. I should have been offended. Instead, I was flattered. He was the most gorgeous man I’d ever laid eyes on, and he wanted me.

I wasn’t ugly, but I was ordinary. Not tall enough to be sexy, but not short enough to be cute. My hair refused to lie flat, but also refused to curl. I had okay curves, but I’d missed the boat on big boobs or a juicy butt. I was the girl next door, the kind guys liked for a best friend, but not a hot girlfriend who they could show off.

How many thousands of years had it been since he’d last seen a female? I knew that when Rezkac saw the beautiful girls of the city, his interest in me would vanish. But until then, I would relish his attention.

Both men snorted. Apparently, that was a sound that had kept the same meaning since the beginning of time.

You are the most beautiful of all women on earth. No other can capture our attention. We belong to you.Rezkac’s tone was patient, as though he were explaining things to a child.

I tried to ignore the way every part of my body responded to his words. We didn’t have time for me to get distracted again. I was surprised that the fire department hadn’t already been alerted. There must have been a bigger disaster somewhere else in the city that had delayed them.

“Wait here. I need to check on something,” I ordered them before turning and making my way through the mangled doorway leading inside the museum. Parts of the hallway appeared smashed in, as though a body had slammed into the walls, and the sound of debris hitting the floor nearby had me jumping. I needed to hurry.

I knew very little about the security system in the museum’s storage areas, but I did know where the cameras were placed. Glancing up at the security camera in the hallway, I was relieved to find it had been cracked and was dangling from the partially destroyed wall. The tiny red light that signaled when the camera was recording was dark.

“One down, two more to go,” I murmured under my breath.

The museum had countless cameras scattered all over the areas that were opened to the guests each day, but the rooms for employees were far less monitored. Making my way inside the storage area, I froze in shock. The room looked like it had come from an apocalyptic war zone.

Sections of the ceiling were gone, and I could see straight up to the blackened rafters. Debris was blown everywhere, and most of the pieces stored in the room were broken and scattered on the floor. The metal shelves had knocked into each other like dominos, toppling to the floor. Several of the shelves were flattened, while others had been twisted into a modern art piece, while others were partially covered under plaster and wood from the crumbling walls.

Nothing in the room had been left untouched. A cold chill trickled up my spine. How had I survived?


You knew your day had taken a sharp right onto Freakishly Weird Avenue when magic was the most logical answer you could come up with to explain things.

Shaking my head to clear it, I focused back on the task at hand. It took a moment of searching to find the first camera, which was crushed on the floor beneath a shattered piece of pottery. The second camera hadn’t fared much better. It clung to the wall, but all the cords leading to it had been severed.

If I’d had more time and a heck of a lot more skill, I would have found a way to break into the security office and delete all the footage. Unfortunately, I wasn’t a secret agent with mad skills. I was a minimum-wage-earning museum employee who possessed the computer skills necessary to open cat memes and not much else. I would have to hope the cameras had gone off-line before recording anything I didn’t want to explain.

The sound of a siren in the distance had my pulse leaping. It was time to go. Rushing toward the exit, I noticed a coat rack where employees often left various stray garments. Spotting two oversized dark coats, I yanked them from the hooks and hurried to the men.

“Put these on. They aren’t fashionable enough for the runway, but they will at least make you less obvious.” I tossed the coats toward the men. “Unfortunately, we are going to have to walk to my home. And we need to go. NOW!”

Walking is not an issue, My Queen. Lead the way.

Both men managed to get the coats on and buttoned them up. They needed pants and shoes, but this would have to do. Thankfully, my apartment wasn’t far away.

My hands were sweaty as I grabbed their hands. I dragged them into the shadows with me. If we wanted to avoid prying eyes, we needed to avoid the main streets. Trying to look as inconspicuous as possible, I led the way to my apartment.