My Queen, Zonkut grows anxious. Do you have a dwelling nearby?

“Zonkut? His name is Zonkut?” I asked, pointing at the raptor.

Yes. And I am Rezkac. His deep, silky voice had all sorts of naughty images sliding through my mind.

“Rezkac.” His name felt strange on my tongue, but it fit the man.

Do you have a dwelling? Rezkac prompted.

“Yes.” I dragged out the word as I eyed his naked frame and the dinosaur pacing nearby. There wasn’t a chance I could sneak them unseen through the city. Not a freaking chance.

I chewed my lip, watching the giant reptile stamp its large clawed foot. Rezkac said he was anxious, but he seemed angry to me. But I wasn’t exactly a dino expert, so what did I know?

“Can he, like, turn into a man? Like you did?” I asked.

Were they werewolves? I’d read a few of those books too. No, if they were werewolves, they would turn into wolves. These men turned it into dinosaurs. So would that make them weredinos?

Your thoughts are confusing. We are dinosaur shifters. We can shift our forms between that of our animal and that of a man. This is achieved by the bending of energy and magic. It allows us to create our different formsand fit our essence into them.

“Can you become other things?” I needed to stifle my curiosity if we were going to escape this mess.

No. Our DNA specifies what creature we have the ability to shift into. Our skill with bending is what makes it possible for us to take that form or take the human form. There were many of my kind who became stuck in one form or the other and never had the ability to swap forms.

“That makes sense,” I answered, although honestly, it made about as much sense as advanced calculus, and I failed out of Intro to Algebra. “Can you get him to shift into a human? It will be a heck of a lot easier to explain a naked man than a dinosaur. Even though it’s getting late, there will be a lot of people on the streets, and it’s not like we can take a rideshare with two dinosaurs.”

Rideshare?Rezkac’s brow wrinkled in puzzlement. If you wish to share a ride, I can shift back to my beast form. It is large enough to give you a comfortable ride.

“No, that’s not what I meant at all. A rideshare is where you call people on your phone, and they’ll come and pick you up. They charge you a fee, but you don’t have to worry about driving your own car.” I stood from his lap, pacing the sidewalk.

I’m sorry, My Queen. This concept makes no sense to me. To answer your question from earlier, Zonkut can shift, but it’s challenging to shift when we are experiencing extreme emotions. It is far easier to survive in our beast body. He rose to his feet with the gracefulness of a dancer. Why was he so perfect?

We lived many, many years in this form. It is less vulnerable than this fleshy human body.Rezkac motioned at his muscled body in disgust while I discreetly wiped my lip to check for drool.

“Can you try to get him to shift?” I asked hopefully.

As you wish.Rezkac bowed his head toward me and then turned his attention to the huffing raptor.

He released a string of strange clicks, chirps, and rumbles that reminded me of several movies I’d watched with alien creatures. Until that moment, I hadn’t thought humans were capable of producing those types of noises without the aid of burritos or food poisoning.

The raptor seemed to understand and disagree. He stomped its massive foot, cracking the concrete beneath it. I took a discrete step backward. I didn’t want to abandon them to the white lab coats, but I also didn’t want to be a dino snack.

Rezkac released an angry barrage of sounds. I didn’t have to speak the language to recognize the fact that Zonkut was getting cussed out. The raptor dropped his head in defeat. Light began to swirl around him, transforming the raptor into my prince charming.

Zonkut wasn’t as tall as Rezkac, and appeared a few years younger. His hair was blonde and fell just below his shoulders in a tangled mess. His skin was marked with tribal tattoos and scars. Tremors shook his body, and his eyes snapped up, locking with mine.

He is having trouble holding this form. Your touch would help to calm the stress he is experiencing.Rezkac reached out a hand toward me, coaxing me to come to him.

My survival kicked in, albeit belatedly. Darting a look around, I checked for an escape. I didn’t find one, and I doubted I would have taken it if I had found one. As terrifying as the raptor appeared, I wanted to touch him. There was this strange draw, like an invisible rope pulling me forward.

My main concern was how did one go about calming an upset human-dino man, anyway?