Breathing in a deep breath, I tried to take stock of my body, stopping in shock when I realized I’d taken a deep breath. I hadn’t been able to breathe until the man had nearly fried my insides like a scrambled egg. But suddenly I could?

Breathing out, I gulped in another deep breath just to double-check I hadn’t hallucinated my miraculous healing. My lungs expanded and deflated perfectly. There was no pain, and the horrifying sucking sound was gone.

Since being dragged from the building, I’d been trying my best to ignore the pain of being crushed and sliced by the falling debris. But now I opened my mind, bracing myself for the onslaught of pain.

It didn’t come.

I was pain free. No headache, no crushing weight in my chest, no bone-deep cuts along my exposed skin. Nothing. In fact, I hadn’t felt this good since, well, I couldn’t even remember how long ago. Maybe never?

Flattening my palms on the cold sidewalk, I carefully pushed myself into an upright position. I waited for dizziness or nausea to overwhelm me, but my head remained astonishingly clear.

“This is amazing!” I tilted my head to look for cuts along my legs or arms, but the skin was smooth and unmarred.

A warm hand rubbed the small of my back, the gentle touch reassuring. Turning, I locked eyes with the man who’d somehow saved me. His eyes were dark, a rich umber brown. I caught a glimpse of his perfect white teeth behind his plump, kissable lips. His skin appeared as though he’d been kissed by the sun, slightly darker than mine, and it almost glowed. There was a faint smattering of freckles across his Romanesque nose. His face was framed by long, silky black hair. He had a wild, untamed edge to him that made him sexier than any of the perfect male models who were plastered around the city on billboards.

Electricity shot from where his hand rested on my back, straight to my girly bits with the same subtly you would get by sticking a fork in a light socket. I’d been touched before, but never had my body reacted to anyone like this.

Maybe I was still feeling the effects of the dirt-drug? Or perhaps this was the normal reaction to a sexy naked man saving your life? I wasn’t sure, but now that my body wasn’t in a desperate battle to survive, it’d decided we should focus our attention on other matters… ones best enjoyed when you were alive.

As his hand moved down my back, I gasped out a moan, quickly slapping a palm over my mouth to cover the sound. When did I moan from nothing more than a pat on the freaking back? I tried to remember how long it had been since I’d taken a tumble in the sheets. Then I remembered that the man could read minds, and he was watching me with intense interest.

Besides, it didn’t matter how long it had been. Clearly, it had been too long if his hand on my back could elicit that type of response. I wasn’t a vocal lover, so this was both weird and embarrassing.

That is because you’ve never had the right partner. I will keep you screaming all night.

My mouth fell open in shock at his absolute confidence. Taking advantage of my surprise, he leaned forward and kissed me soundly on the lips. I moved to push him away, but my traitorous arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him closer.

That kiss was the stuff of legends. Songs could have been made about it, and books written about it. It was the most mind-blowing kiss of my life, made even better by the lack of pain. His hands slid down along my rib cage to grip my waist. Pulling me onto his lap—a still very naked lap—he settled me so that I straddled him.

Blushing, I tried to ignore the fact that his erection was pressing against my ripped pants like a hot iron. We were strangers to each other, and anyone running around naked in the city was likely suffering from some issues.

This was the last person on earth I should be making out with… so why did it feel like he was put on earth for me? Our bodies fit together like a hand in a glove. It felt like he was made for me.

Because I was.

His comment was enough to pull me from my too-good-to-be-true waking dream. My body ached with lust, but I managed, barely, to yank my head out of the fog.

That’s when it hit me how terrible our situation truly was. Either I was still hallucinating, or I was looking at a freaking dinosaur and a naked man who needed to find a loincloth before he got arrested. While I was a fan of nudity, it was sadly still illegal in this part of the world. I’d watched enough TV to know that I needed to get these men somewhere safe.

If there was even a chance that they were truly dinosaurs, I didn’t want them to end up in a secret government lab as test subjects. Just the thought of being separated from them had fear shredding my heart into confetti. It was ridiculous how I could feel so attached to them this quickly, but that seemed like a problem to deal with later.

There was also the matter of the museum’s storeroom. I needed to call in someone about the damage. But what if they asked me to wait for the cops? That would raise a heck of a lot of questions about my two unusual companions.

Think. Think. Think.I leaned away from Naked Man and rubbed at my temples, trying to figure out the best course of action.

I would head home, and when the museum called to ask about the storeroom, I would claim I’d hit my head and didn’t remember anything about what had happened. When in doubt, amnesia was definitely the way to go. No one could argue with brain damage. And since I still wasn’t 100 percent sure I wasn’t suffering from it, it should be an easy act to sell.

The plan wasn’t without flaws, but I certainly couldn’t tell them what had really happened. At least not yet. Not until I knew what was going on.

My eyes darted between the raptor and the naked man, still doubting my sanity and whether they were real.

I am real. We are both real.His words whispered through my mind.

“Why don’t you answer me out loud?” I asked, my voice a hoarse whisper.

I can understand your thoughts, but I am unfamiliar with the language you speak. It sounds nothing like the tongue I spoke during the time we walked the earth. Communicating mentally is the best for now. At least until I have time to study modern tongues.

He reached out, stroking my jaw with his calloused palm. Without thinking, I leaned into his touch. It was as though he couldn’t keep his hands off me… and I didn’t want him to.