She moaned, her back arching as I sucked the delicate skin of her neck. I loved how her body responded to my touch. I’d only touched her with garments in the way, and I couldn’t imagine how incredible it would feel to have nothing between us.

My lips trailed up her neck to her throat and then found her lips. I nipped at her bottom lip, silently asking her to open her mouth for me, and she did. My tongue danced against hers, and the velvet heat of Arizona’s mouth had my body aching with the need for another hot velvety place on her body. Unfortunately, the cold Atlantic water had certain parts of my anatomy imitating a turtle.

I thought I heard Arizona giggle, but I wasn’t sure with the roar of waves crashing around us. Moving slowly so I didn’t lose my balance, I walked us up onto the shore out of the reach of the greedy waves. I laid her down on the sand and flopped down beside her.

“Let’s hear it, Firefly.” I traced her lips with my finger.

“Hear what?” She was breathless. “And why are you calling me firefly?”

“Because your eyes light up like the lightning bugs I chased as a kid growing up. Maybe your butt lights up too, but I haven’t had the pleasure of checking yet.” I smiled. “Tell me what I need to know to be ready for whatever chaos you are about to bring into my life. I have a good sense of intuition, and it’s telling me I’m in for a wild ride with you.”

“Long version? Or a cliff notes version for now?”

I could barely take my eyes off her body. Wet clothes clung to every curve. “Cliff notes,” I whispered, voice hoarse.

“I’m kinda like a witch, except I’m really new to the idea and can’t control my magic. My magic woke up Rez and Zon, who also happen to be able to change their bodies into dinosaurs, sorta like werewolves in the movies. They are gifts from an ancestor who was born thousands and thousands of years ago, who hoped I would make lots of magical babies to save magic from fading from existence. There are other similar gifts out in the world that my magic will probably activate at some point.”

I stared with open mouth in shock as she continued without taking a breath. Her eyes were wild, like she hadn’t had a chance to unload on someone in a long time. “If I lose control of my magic like I did last night, it hypes my dino-dudes up, and that could cause them to freak out and shift. I could also accidentally explode and destroy everything around me. My maniacal magic may or may not lure people to me like a siren’s call, which was why you lost control last night, too. My parents aren’t speaking to me because they walked in on me having sex, and they didn’t approve of me having a relationship with two guys. Oh, and I have a pet pig named Albert Einswine who is definitely not an evil spirit like Rez and Zon claim.”

“Dinosaurs? As in extinct dinosaurs?” I clarified.

“Yes. That kind of dinosaur.”

I nodded. “I’m afraid your parents aren’t going to be happy when they find out about me.” Not waiting for her response, I brought my mouth to hers, kissing her until we gasped for air.

She pressed her hands against my chest, her own chest heaving as she fought to catch her breath. Holding me at arm’s length, she asked, “That’s it? After all the stalking me and trying to get the truth out of me, you just accept it, no questions asked?”

“It doesn’t matter. There is nothing you are going to say that is going to change my mind about you, about us. If you say you live with two dinosaurs, I’m cool with that.” I tried to move her hands, but she shook her head.

“There’s one more thing that you need to know now.” Her brow wrinkled with concern.


“One of my magic abilities is that I can tell when I’ve met my perfect match, a soulmate. The pull to each other and the electricity when we touch are both signs of the bond.” She paused as though waiting for me to say something.

“That’s great. I don’t have magic, but I’d come to the same conclusion.” I smiled and tried to kiss her, but again, she pushed me back.

“Last night, when we were making out, my magic was out of control.” Her eyes skittered away from mine, a guilty tell. But why would she feel guilt? “I didn’t know it was magic or what I was doing, but the guys told me I tried to claim you or bind you to me. And even though the guys stopped before it was complete, the process started, and there’s no way to stop it. You may already be feeling the effects when we are apart.”

Did that mean what I thought it meant? I clarified, “What exactly is a binding or claiming? If you had kept going, what would we be now?”

“Um. Married?” She said it as a question, her cheeks turning red.

My throat tightened. “Heck, yes.”