“Rezkac is wrong. Fully bonding while in human form will not injure you. Unless the humans of this time often die from intense pleasure. And regardless of my concerns over being bonded to a Vazi, I am pleased to belong to you. You are untrained, but you are already powerful. Dangerous.”

Arizona’s cheeks turned a bright red, and I could hear the sound of her heart as it beat harder in her chest. The only question was if it was from embarrassment or from imagining what might happen in the bedroom later.

The giant beast dropped his head to the ground, humbling himself in front of Arizona. “Be gentle with Rezkac, mate. He is a strong man, but weak when it comes to you. You are the only thing in the world that can break him. We’ve lived a long life already and are weary of the world. Rezkac is only doing this again for a chance to be loved by you.”

She wasn’t the only one affected by that piece of information. My body grew hot at the thought of completing the bond with Arizona. Of taking her in the form that allowed beast and man to be of one mind and body for a few brief moments. Knowing that it wouldn’t hurt her had my body aching in anticipation.

But one look at the dark smudges under her eyes and her trembling hands, I knew that the only thing she needed now was sleep.

I looked at the sky, following the line of the stars. It was nearly three in the morning. If we got her home now, she would get a few hours’ sleep before she had to work.

Rez’s body swayed, and he blinked slowly before turning to look at us.

Are you two ready to go home?I asked.

Rez nodded, and we both shifted to our human forms. Scooping Arizona up in my arms, I cradled her head against my shoulder.

She yawned. “Do you have enough magic to get us home? If not, you can use some of mine.”

I pressed a light kiss to her forehead. “Yes, I have plenty.” She was already exhausted, and I wouldn’t have risked taking any more from her.

Plus, it didn’t matter. I had enough magic in my veins to hop us across the continent and back if we wished to travel that distance. Rez’s beast has not been lying when he said Arizona’s magic was special. It was intoxicating, and now that I’d tasted it, I wanted more.

But I wouldn’t allow myself until the time was right.