I’m sorry, baby. Words are Rez’s thing, not mine. I’m barely keeping it together right now. Please trust me. Zon’s words were a plea. You said the word love to Rez, and he is losing his internal struggle to remain in control of his emotions and his beast right now. We’ve got to get him away from here. Fast.

I stopped struggling, relaxing in his hold and trusting that Zon knew what he was doing. Keeping my eyes on the floor, I dug my fingers into his shirt and held on as he dragged the three of us out of the restaurant.

“What’s going on?” Jack had followed us outside. “Is Rez okay?”

I didn’t look up from the ground. “He’s fine, just tired. Have a good night, Jack.”

Jack’s shadow stretched toward us on the pavement as he tried to catch up with Zon’s long strides. “Arizona, I’m not an idiot. What is going on? Back there I saw your e—”

“Jack, not now. Please? Go home and have a wonderful night.” I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with the fresh scent of the earth after a rainstorm that wafted through the still night air.

Jack’s footsteps stopped abruptly, and then I heard them fade as he moved without another word in the opposite direction. I’d been prepared for him to argue, and when he didn’t, I breathed a deep sigh of relief. I went limp on Zon’s shoulder, suddenly feeling tired.

“Impressive.” Zon squeezed my thigh where he held me secure.

Zon guided us into a dark alley, the type that anyone born and raised in a city knew not to step foot in. Before I could tell Zon why this was a bad idea, he spoke.

“I’m sorry about this, Arizona.” His hand burned against my thigh, like a branding iron was searing my skin. I opened my mouth to scream, but it was swallowed by the darkness that devoured the three of us.

* * *

I blinked open my eyes,closing them again when the world twirled like I was on the teacup ride at the carnival.

Ari, are you okay? Please tell me you’re okay. Zon sounded worried.

If you injured her, I will squash you like a roach. Rez’s voice was colder than the Antarctic.

We wouldn’t have been in this mess if you’d been able to control your emotions, Rez. I’m supposed to be the unstable one, but you were seconds away from shifting in a building full of innocent bystanders. I did what I had to do to keep us alive, and the humans unharmed, Zon shot back.

My head pounded, and the shouting match in my brain wasn’t helping matters. How can I hear you both in my mind at the same time?

You’re okay!Zon’s relief was palpable.

I’m glad you are unharmed, Ari.You can hear Zon and me speaking to each other? Rez asked.

Yes, and you guys are giving me a migraine, so quit yelling. I need sleep. I rolled over, cuddling against the warm body in bed next to me.

Except that wasn’t warm skin pressed to my skin. It was scales.

And it wasn’t a soft mattress beneath me. It was grass.

My eyes snapped open, and I shoved myself up into a sitting position. I was in some type of small cave. Crawling toward the dim light, I emerged into the cool night air. I glanced back to see where I had been. Turns out, it wasn’t a cave. It was Rez. He was in full Tyrannosaurus rex mode. He must have tucked me under his body at some point after I passed out. It was a miracle he hadn’t crushed me.

Rez snorted, a gust of air that blew my hair back from my face.

“Stop that!” I mumbled, running my fingers through my tangled hair.

Stop insulting me. My beast and I would never hurt you.

Grumbling under my breath, I rose unsteadily to my feet, giving my eyes time to adjust to the moonlight. Zon lay nearby. Close enough to watch me, but far enough away to make it clear he was ticked off with Rez.

“Someone needs to start explaining. What was that mess at the restaurant? Where are we? Why do I feel like I just ran a triathlon? Where we are, and how did we get here? Oh, and I’d like to know about my new ability to hear you both in my mind at the same time.” I crossed my arms and gave them both the look that meant business. Because yeah, I’m totally sure it was intimidating to the two apex predators watching me. Maybe if they were in their human forms, it would have worked better.

I can’t shift back yet, Arizona. The beast needs time in this form, and since we are safe, it is best to give him what he needs.Rez dropped his massive head to the ground beside me, forcing me to reach out to steady myself as the ground shook beneath me. His dark blue scales were the color of the deep ocean and glinted in the pale moonlight. I wanted to stroke them and admire the rest of his dinosaur body, but I needed answers more and couldn’t allow myself to become distracted.

I brought us here. It is one of my abilities. I can travel to other places if I have seen them before or have an image of them from a map, Zon answered first. Rez was seconds away from losing control and shifting, and you were unknowingly feeding the chaos.

Shame laced Zon’s words, but I couldn’t understand why. “You brought us somewhere Rez could shift safely. Your ability is incredible!” I remembered Rez saying some talented dinosaur shifters could harness magic for other abilities, but I hadn’t realized that Zon was one of those powerful benders.