Why did it take the pig hours to cross the road?

Because he was a slow-pork!

* * *

Opening the bathroom door, I stepped into the dimly lit hall and came face to face with Jack. He leaned against the wall opposite the door, waiting for me. The moment I stepped out, he pushed off the wall and moved toward me. He may not have had a beast inside him, but there was a wild look in his eye.

I should have been scared. But my freaking body hummed with excitement. With each step Jack took toward me, I took one backward away from him until my back hit the wall at the end of the hall furthest from the dining area.

Using his body, he caged me in, but didn’t touch me. Leaning down, his five o’clock shadow brushed along the sensitive skin of my cheek.

“Do you think I don’t know what just happened?” Jack whispered.

It took me a minute to remember I had a voice. “I-I don’t know what you are talking about. If you are talking about the meal, yes, it was fantastic.”

Jack’s body pressed lightly against mine, and his left hand moved to rest at my waist. Even with the alpha man vibes he was giving off, I didn’t truly feel trapped. If I wanted to walk away, I knew he would let me. But I didn’t move.

“That’s not what I’m talking about, and you know it, Arizona.” His voice was hoarse.

“I don’t know what you are talking about,” I retorted, adding a touch of indigence into my tone.

Jack chuckled, the sound harsh. “I’m talking about how you just let those two guys finger you under the table until you came apart in their hands.”

My eyes widened. How had he known? Did everyone in the entire restaurant know? I would never be able to eat here again, and that thought brought tears to my eyes.

Jack’s hard expression softened, barely. “Don’t cry. No one else knows, if that’s what you’re worried about. But I’m a detective. It’s in my literal job description to notice every tiny detail around me.”

“I’m sorry.” I didn’t know what else to say. What could I say? Wringing my hands in front of me, I waited for him to berate me.

“I’m not.” Jack grabbed my wrists with one of his large hands and pinned them against the wall above my head. His taut body leaned harder against me, allowing me to feel the evidence of his arousal. “That was one of the sexiest things I’ve ever seen. I’m only sorry I didn’t get to touch you.”

“Oh,” was my eloquent reply.

I thought he was going to kiss me, but he stopped when there was only enough space for a single sheet of paper between us. I could feel the air move against my lips as he spoke. “Did it turn you on knowing that I might figure it out?”

“Yes,” I breathed out, unable to lie while his touch was setting my body on fire.

Jack’s hand moved up my ribcage until he could cup my breast, slowly massaging it.

“Jack,” I moaned his name, enjoying the taste of it on my lips.

His body shuddered. “I’ve wanted to hear you say my name like that since the moment you opened your front door wearing nothing but a bedsheet.”

Jack’s lips caught mine in a tender kiss, so at odds with the bad cop vibe his body was giving off. It wasn’t a kiss fueled by lust. It was a kiss filled with longing.

Pulling his head away, he rested his forehead against the polished wood walls. “What am I going to do?” he whispered.

I had some suggestions of things he could do, but the question seemed rhetorical, so I stayed quiet.

“I found security footage today.”

My heart stopped beating.

“It’s from an old shop across from the museum’s back parking lot. It doesn’t show you exiting the building, but it shows you walking down the street away from the museum with two men right after the explosion. Two men who have a striking resemblance to the guys we just ate dinner with.”

I stayed quiet. My world was falling apart.