I did as told, hand trembling and my stomach cramping with the overwhelming need that was burning me alive.

That’s my good girl, Zon purred.

Not breaking their rhythm, both men slipped a third finger inside me, stretching my tight walls. My mouth quivered on the glass.

Let go, baby, Zon growled.

Yes, show us how much you want us, Rez murmured.

I came apart.

To an onlooker, the only thing off would have been the momentary tremble of my glass and my breathless laugh as I set it on the table.

But on the inside, every nerve ending in my body exploded. Wave after wave of my climax slammed into me, each as powerful as the one before it. It was the longest orgasm I’d ever experienced, and it went on long enough that I worried it wasn’t going to end.

While I struggled through the sweet agony, Rez and Zon kept their fingers motionless inside me. All the while, they talked to the chatty waiter about their favorite part of the meal.

How could they act so unaffected? I wished I could know what they were thinking.

Will this man ever stop talking? Maybe I should tell him I know twelve ways to kill him without leaving my chair? As soon as we get home, I’m going to lick her clean.Zon was snarling in his mind.

My eyes widened. I heard Zon’s voice, but not in my mind. I darted a look at Rez.

If I drop my fork, would anyone notice if I took a quick taste? Maybe it would help settle my beast… Rez was seriously thinking about it. I had to make an escape so we could all cool down.

“I need to take a quick trip to the ladies’ room,” I spoke up, a bit too loud.

Zon stood, allowing me to scoot out of the booth. Trying to appear unhurried, I headed for the bathroom.

Once inside, I rushed into a stall and locked the door. Sitting on the toilet, I allowed my muscles to relax. My body trembled violently, and I worked to calm my breathing and release what was left of my anxiety. It was a relief to realize that my orgasm had eased the worst of the anxiety I’d been struggling with.

I felt better. My body was calm, and it no longer vibrated as though it was coming apart. How had my men known what I needed?