I made a show of pointing at one of the exhibits, ushering the crowd away from the dino-dudes, while also taking discreet glances at the detective. He had his back to my little group, ostensibly studying a life-size replica of a caveman painting that had been painted on the museum wall. I didn’t miss how he managed to meander in the same direction that my little group was going, though.

You told us to stay home, but how are we to learn about your world if we do not observe it?Rez asked in my mind.

Oh, so now you can use the mind link?I snapped back. Truthfully, I was excited to see them. It had been miserable being away from them. But the thought of them alone in the city and unprotected, sent a shiver of fear down my spine.

I heard Zon snort, which was followed by a grunt as Rez elbowed him.

I assure you. We are far from helpless and defenseless. Zon barely contained his laughter.

From what I know of your world, we are likely the most dangerous creatures to exist in this century,Rez added, cockiness leaking from his words.

Yeah, and one wrong move on your part, and you’ll end up in an electrified cage in an underground lab on land that the government claims doesn’t exist. And that’s the optimistic outcome! They could decide to dissect you both! I was nearly yelling at this point, and it was giving me a migraine.

Are you okay, Arizona? You are tense, and anxiety is pouring off you. Why do you keep glancing at the man looking at the wall?Rez paused before he spoke up again. And why is he studying those drawings so intently? Ari, I thought museums were for priceless artifacts?

Yes, they are. Museums preserve things from the past, to teach future generations about the things that came before them,I answered automatically, having sat through more than one dull training meeting on the importance of museums.

I’m confused. If that is the case, why are those paintings on the wall in such a prominent location?Rez asked.

Shouldn’t they know the answer to this? Because those were some of man’s earliest expressions of language! They used pictures to communicate and record stories. It’s incredible what they could convey through the simple images. And yes, Mr. Mind Reader, I’m worried about the guy who’s looking at them. He’s one of the detectives who is investigating me.

Rez was quiet, and when he spoke, there was keen interest in his voice. I see. Is it the detective you wish to have sex with?

I tripped, nearly tumbling over one of the red velvet ropes and into an exhibit. I laughed awkwardly, trying to cover up how flustered I was by Rez’s bluntness. He is the nicer of the two detectives who visited us.

Zon’s sexy laughter filled my mind. So he is the one you wish to bed.

My cheeks burned hot, and I fanned myself with my clipboard.

“Miss? Are you feeling okay? You look like you might get sick,” the too observant for his own good gentleman asked, studying my face with concern.

His wife whispered a bit too loudly in his ear, “I heard she was the survivor of the explosions.”

Another older lady made a tsking sound, and whispered loud enough that I could still hear, “Oh my! Poor dear. She should be at home. Why do they have her working?”

“I am fine, everyone! I feel like it is a little hot in here today. Now, if you’ll follow me, I want to show you our Brontosaurus skeleton. It’s one of the most complete skeletons in any US museum, and we are quite proud of it!” I winked at the crowd and walked with an extra bounce in my step, wanting to convince them I was fine.

Rez spoke, Just so you know, the cave paintings are not what you think they are.

Zon snickered.

Then what are they?I hissed back mentally.

Rez hesitated. They are from something you call a drinking game.

Please tell me you are not about to inform me that scientists have been studying the drunk scribbles of grown men?

My mind was eerily quiet. Rez?

You said not to tell you, so I thought it best to keep silent.

Zon’s soft chuckle came from the shadows, and I pretended not to hear it. I eyed the cave art with a critical eye. Rez was wrong about them, wasn’t he?

As we walked, the guests talked about the beautiful paintings of the various dinosaur species. The chatty gentleman pointed to an image of an oviraptor. “I read that those were known as excellent mothers!”

I nodded. “You are correct! One was even found guarding its nest, proving that they have a strong maternal instinct.”

Wheezing laughter echoed from the darkened corner of the museum.