Why did the pig have ink all over his face?
Because it came out of the pen.
* * *
My parents continued barraging me with questions, but their voices faded into the background until the only sound I heard was the hard pounding of my heartbeat in my ears.
Time slowed as I stared at the door, unable to believe Rez and Zon had left. A sharp pain in my chest had me rubbing at the area over my heart. How could I be experiencing more heartache over two men I’d known less than twenty-four hours than I’d experienced when I found out my ex was cheating on me?
Because they were mine.
The thought shook me.
They belonged to me.
It was such a weird, and more than a little creepy, way of thinking about another human… but it was right. Like the last puzzle piece clicking into place. It made sense on a level that logic couldn’t touch.
“Sweetheart, I know you are young and prone to make some bad decisions as young people do, but this is not acceptable. What if the family finds out?”
Blinking away the haze, I looked at my mother, trying to comprehend her words. Even from across the room, I could see the rapid rise and fall of her chest. She was upset. With dawning understanding, I realized her stress wasn’t so much caused by the scene she’d walked into that morning but by the thought of someone finding out that her daughter had more than one partner.
“If those men are willing to be in this type of relationship, then there is something not right about them. They are going to use you for a good time and then toss you aside for the next thrill,” my father added. “We tried so hard to raise you to have healthy relationships.”
How quickly their fear over my possible death had shifted into outrage over me living my life. There was a lot more that needed to be said between us, but it would have to wait.
“I’ve got to go.” Standing, I waited for them to do the same, but neither moved.
“Sit down. We aren’t leaving until we know you’ve got your head screwed on straight again.” My dad motioned for me to take my seat again.
“Now isn’t a good time for me. I really have to go.” My gaze shot to the door.
“You don’t intend to go after those gigolos, do you?” Dad curled his lip in disgust and mom’s eyes watered.
“Don’t call them that!” I snapped, my patience running thin. I loved my parents, but the men were wandering around a city without an understanding of how the modern world worked. They needed me.
And I needed them.
My dad stood, helping my mother to her feet beside him. “We are going to leave. But you need to reign in this wild streak, Arizona. I won’t allow you to bring shame on our family name. If you choose to continue down this path, don’t bother showing up for family visits or holidays. Your boyfriends aren’t welcome in our home.”
My eyes burned with tears, but I wouldn’t let him see how badly he’d hurt me. They had never been like this as parents, and while I’d known they preferred traditional relationships and thus wouldn’t be comfortable with the idea of me being with more than one guy, I hadn’t thought they would basically disown me over it.
Something brushed my ankle, and I jerked in surprise. Albert sat on his haunches, his little upturned snout twitching. Reaching down, I pulled him into my arms, snuggling him against my chest. A calmness fell over me as I scratched his ears. I didn’t know how he managed to get out of the spare room, but I was thankful for the reassuring cuddles.
I was an adult, not a teenage girl, and I wouldn’t let him force me into his way of thinking. Standing tall, I met his eyes. “So you only want me as a daughter if I follow what you deem is acceptable?”
“I’ve supported your dreams, showed up for every school play, traveled to sports events, kissed hurt knees, and helped with homework. You were raised better than this, Ari. I won’t stand by as you ruin your life all for a fling or two that can’t ever last.” Dad’s voice cracked, his eyes red.
“You don’t know that it won’t last,” I whispered back.
“And you don’t know that it will. Are you willing to throw away your family for the unlikely possibility that it might work out? Are you willing to turn your back on your family just so you can have your sex buddies?” he snapped back. Disgust, rage, and hurt shone behind his eyes. Mom hung onto dad’s arm, sobbing and looking anywhere other than at me.
“Get out.” There was no heat in my words. In fact, they were completely emotionless. “I won’t be disrespected in my home. I hope at some point we can work things out, but that can’t happen until you are ready to listen without judgment.” I was proud that my voice didn’t shake, and that I didn’t burst into tears.
My parents turned away from me without another word. There were no goodbyes. No ‘I’m so glad you are alive’ hugs. It was completely silent as they left the apartment and closed the door behind them with a soft click.
My lips quivered, but I refused to give in to the need to cry. For now, I would do the adult thing and shove the weight of my parents’ disapproval and my crushing heartbreak over how easily they could write me off just to save face in front of their peers into a box in the back of my mind. I would deal with all that baggage later. Probably. Maybe.