A strange look passed across Rezkac’s face, and his brown wrinkled. Where we go? That is easy, My Queen. We go where you go. We are yours.

My nervous laughter sounded strained even to my own ears. “That’s not how things work now. People can figuratively belong to someone, but not literally. You are both alive again. You get to go out and experience everything the world can offer you.”

I tried to ignore the way my heart twisted at the thought of him leaving me, even for a second. Even though I’d just given them the ‘you can’t belong to someone’ speech, every fiber of my being screamed that they were mine.

Rezkac rose from the couch, his movements silent as he strode to me. He pressed the long length of his muscular body against mine, and all the tension in my body drained away.

I have many things I wanted to experience, but they all involve you.Leaning down, Rezkac brushed his lips against mine, the touch featherlight and excruciating.

“That is because you don’t know better. You don’t know what is really out there.”

It would be impossible for me to fall in love with another. The priestess has already bound my heart to you for all eternity. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

His hands slid under the hem of my torn shirt, and his thumbs brushed along my sensitive skin. I opened my mouth to ask him about the priestess, but he took the opportunity to delve his tongue into my mouth. Without waiting for my mind to catch up, my body responded. My arms slid around his neck, and I leaned against him.

Why did his arms feel like home? Like we had done this a million times before?

You are as stubborn as you are stunning. With time, you will understand that I speak the truth.Rezkac’s words were an intimate caress in my mind.