“What is your point?”

“That regardless of what you called yourself on this op, you were Cam. Would Miguel Ramirez have reacted to a SEAL reference? Would Miguel have even gone into the water to save her? You may have used the accent, changed your walk and your demeanor, but I think you know deep down that when you were with Evan, you were Cam. Think of all the things you would have done differently with her if you had been Miguel Ramirez.”

Cam's eyes shot up to his friend. “How can you possibly know that?”

“Because Miguel Ramirez is not capable of love. And you, my brother, are in love.”

Cam didn’t deny it. Chat stood and sent a text. Cam's replacement phone that the team had delivered buzzed in the corner. “I can spot a man in love, but you may need some help with the other stuff. I texted you the name of a doc in Beaufort. He's a veteran and a smart guy. Nobody expects you to sort this shit on your own. Frankly, you’d be a fool to try.”

“I seem that fucked up, huh?”

Chat grinned. “Seriously fucked up. See you at lunch, brother.”