Together they sprinted into the surf. Evan was a strong swimmer, and Cam had been trained to swim with an incapacitated teammate. Joseph regained consciousness after a few strokes, and together they maneuvered to a buoy and held on.

It started as a low rumble in the darkness, like the sound of a freight train. Then came muffled explosions, one after the next. Cam and Evan stared up as the mountain seemed to collapse into itself. Finally, a violent eruption blew from beneath the ground. They could see the flames even from sea level. Huge chunks of rock and debris flew through the air showering the beach and falling into the water. Smoke poured from every cave opening along the shore.

“You should have left me there.” Joseph stared without seeing. “The Panther's Eye is truly lost.”

Cam turned to Evan, and she bobbed into the circle of his arm. He kissed the top of her head. For a second before he held her, she had the strangest look on her face.

After the team had located them and Joseph was taken into custody, Cam told Tox he’d catch up, and the group had fallen back to give him a moment. Cam and Evan stood on the beach, facing each other in the dim dawn. He cupped her face in his palms.

“I need to show you something.” Evan reached into her pocket and withdrew the diamond.

“What the hell? How?” Cam stared at the stone in shock.

“I threw my whacking rock. I switched them when you pushed me behind you to shield me.”

“Well, I’ll be damned.”

“Distraction and sleight of hand.” She spread the fingers of her free hand and fanned them in a circle.

“My little magician.”

“I need to get this to Doctor Emberton,” Evan said.

“What’ll happen to it?” Cam asked.

“I imagine it’ll be turned over to the Spanish government. The caves are public land. I know I don’t get to keep it.”

“Well, you better get a finders fee or something. You earned it.” He brushed her hair back from her face.

“Technically, you deserve the finders fee. You found it.”

“Nah. I was never there. Remember?”

She slipped the gem back into her pocket and laced her fingers between his.

Cam looked at her. “I wish I could take a picture of you right now. This pink light…” He shook his head without finishing the thought.

A tear ran down her cheek. “I don’t know why I’m crying. We’re safe. The good guys won, and we made the archaeological discovery of a lifetime.” She swiped at the tears.

“Lost potential, I think,” he said sadly.

“Maybe we can find it again, our potential. We’re good at finding things.”

“Maybe we can.” He cupped her face. “I know I don’t want this to be the last time I see you.”

“So… you’ll be in touch?”

“I’ll be in touch.” He bent to kiss her.

“I think I love you, Miguel.”

Miguel. Her words cut him like a knife. She loved Miguel. It was more than Cam could process, so he continued the motion and placed the kiss meant for her lips on her forehead.

“Bye.” He stepped back.

“Bye for now. Right?” she clarified.

He stared into tear-filled cinnamon-colored eyes, choking on words unspoken. Of all the things bouncing around in his fucked up head, the one thing that had come out was the last thing he ever wanted to say to her. Goodbye.


She smiled through her tears. “Bye.”

Cam ran his fingers down her cheek in the now-familiar motion she loved, then turned and walked away.