They entered Cam's family home, and chatter and laughter halted behind two closed double doors. Cam opened them with a flourish.

Before her was a dream come to life. Cam's entire family was crowded around the long rectangular dinner table.

Right on cue, his mother and father came in from a back hall that led to the kitchen. They were each carrying a turkey. Aarón set his tray on the sideboard and helped his wife place hers on the table.

Kate Canto wiped her hands on a dishtowel and said, “Merry Christmas, Evan. Shall we eat?”

She and Cam took the two remaining seats.

“Eat up, Evan. You’ll need your strength. We’ve got a bear of a puzzle started in the family room. It's Van Gogh's Starry Night,” Aarón added.

The food-laden table blurred through her teary gaze, making the setting seem even more like a fantasy. Cam leaned down and whispered in her ear. “How’d I do? Is this what you imagined, querida?”

“It's better.” She turned her eyes to him. “You’re here.”

“Ready for your first big holiday meal?”

She nodded as he wiped away her tears with his thumbs. “I love you, Cam. So much. And I love experiencing all of these firsts with you.”

Her innuendo had the desired effect, and he squeezed her thigh under the table.

“Looking forward to many more,” he whispered.

Once they were seated, Cam's abuela said the blessing, and all hell broke loose. Voices increased in volume as children demanded food and changed seats, and people argued about the Dolphins and discussed the alligator living on a nearby golf course. Through it all, Cam kept his big hand on her knee. She circled his wrist and held him in check when his fingers occasionally wandered, an action which, oddly, brought a pleased tilt to his lips. She couldn’t take the time to analyze it, though; she was too busy soaking up every second of this big, loving, chaotic, argumentative, wonderful family.

She leaned into Cam's body. “Merry Christmas, Cam.”

He put his arm around the back of her chair and kissed the top of her head. “I can’t imagine a better present for Christmas than you.”