“The first time I saw you? When you frightened me off the beach the day I came to investigate the markers? I was terrified of you. I couldn’t for a second imagine getting to know that man. But in the caves, whatever the reason, I saw Cam beneath the surface. Every rude comment Miguel made, Cam was there being kind to me or protecting me. So if you think I don’t know Cam, you’re mistaken.”

“Actually, that wasn’t the first time we met.” He took her hand and continued walking.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“The stingray?”

Evan looked at his beautiful face, her eyes shifting from one golden iris to the other. “Oh my God, that was you? You rescued me?”

“I’m a SEAL, ma’am. No man, or woman, left behind.”

She threw herself into his arms then almost immediately broke away, covering her face with her hands. “I barfed on you!”

“Several times.”

“Ohmygodohmygodohmygod. That has to be the worst how-did-you-two-meet story of all time.”

Cam picked Evan up like a bride and sank down in the sand with her in his arms. “And that's what makes it the best how-did-you-two-meet story of all time.”

“Says the gorgeous man who saved the bleeding, puking girl.”

“You also punched me and flipped me off.” He grinned.


“And I still thought you were the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen.” He kissed her temple.

“I don’t believe you for a minute, but I love you for saying it.”

“You love me?” He asked with such an earnest innocence, Evan felt her eyes mist.

“I love you, Cam. I should have told you when you showed up in Palo Alto. I’ve felt it for so long, but as I told you in Mallorca, I don’t express my emotions easily. The first time you touched me and I didn’t flinch, I knew you were different.” He winced. “No, Cam. Don’t for one second think that Miguel Ramirez was the man who touched me in that cave. It was you, Camilo Canto. You can call yourself The Incredible Hulk for all I care. I see you.”

She beamed at her beautiful, complicated man.

He tucked a loose lock of hair behind her ear. “I think I’ve been waiting my whole life for you. I love you, Evan.”

Before she had a chance to respond, he was kissing her. She snaked her arms around his neck, getting lost in his powerful physique. She hadn’t been hoping for the touch of a man, she realized. She had been hoping for the touch of this man.

Cam pulled back and cupped her rear. “The Incredible Hulk, huh? If we can get a minute alone, I may make you call me that.”

“I’d like to scream ‘Cam’ a few more times if it's okay with you.”

“More than okay.” He took her hand and pulled her to standing. “Come on. We need to get back.”

Cam paused on the stoop of his family home and kissed his woman. Evan glanced over his shoulder, and he followed her gaze to the window by the door where a curtain rustled.

“I think we have an audience,” she whispered.

Cam leaned his forehead against hers. “Yeah, that happens a lot around here.”

“We should go inside. I know your mom went to a lot of trouble. We shouldn’t be late.” She tugged on his arm.

Cam stayed where he was. “I love you.”

She smiled up at him. “I love you too.”

“Come on.”