She grabbed his wrist and returned the glass to her pouting lips. “Less so.”

Cam ran a hand up her thigh, pulling the silk from the negligee across her skin. She tipped her head back and rested it on his shoulder, the move lifting her breasts like an offering on a platter. He ran the backs of his fingers over the swell and down her side. “We can’t have the princesa feeling neglected.”

“No, we cannot. Let's go inside. I’d like you to not neglect me all night.” She ground her hips into his lap.

On the surface, Miguel Ramirez was inflamed. Lust sparked in his golden eyes as his conquest ground against him. His powerful body stood with Gemini in his arms, skimming every inch of her body as he set her on her feet.

Inside, there was nothing. Cam wasn’t there. He had trained himself to switch off during moments of profound discomfort: beatings, executions, and, yes, sex. In rare times of reflection, Cam thought these situations mirrored a porn movie—two attractive people performing a sex act for a purpose other than attraction or pleasure. His actions would be proficient, even passionate, but there would be no emotion at all.

Miguelfisted her hair and exposed her neck. He licked a path to her ear lobe then took it in his teeth. She reached for his fly, palming the outline of his erection. He removed her hand and used it to pull her toward the bedroom.

The sound of a throat clearing had him looking up. Joseph stood in the open doorway. “Forgive me for intruding. Gemini, I need a word.”

“Now?” she all but shouted.

“I’m afraid so. It's a rather pressing matter,” Joseph insisted.

Gemini turned to Cam. “Don’t move.”

He kissed her cheek and spoke into her ear. “I’ll be right here.”

She swept from the room with Joseph in tow.

Cam was tempted to follow, then rethought. What qualified as an emergency in Gemini March's world hardly mattered. He sat on the bed and turned on the television, grateful for the reprieve.