Finn shrugged. “Feds let us know. Your stolen art popped up in another investigation.”

“What other investigation? And if you say need to know, I will lay you out. I do need to know.” Tox gave Finn his undivided attention.

“The CIA does not investigate US citizens on US soil.”

Steady rolled his eyes. “Thanks for the civics lesson.”

Finn’s navy blue gaze met his best friend’s. “A person of interest in a trafficking investigation that a colleague of mine is running also seems to be acquiring stolen art.”

“Well, that was helpful as a blind sniper. Thanks, man.” Steady rolled his eyes.

Finn tossed back another shot. “The art you found is no longer in your client’s possession, correct? No art, no danger.”

Tox scrubbed his stubbled head and nodded. Finn slapped him on the back. “Damn, bro, you got it bad.”

Tox didn’t deny it.

“You keeping your head screwed on?”

“I don’t fucking know. She makes me crazy, but sane crazy, you know?”

Steady burst out laughing. “Goddammit, Tox. Well, it’s better than crazy crazy, I guess.”

Chat joined the conversation. “Tox, before, when you had some trouble, how did you feel about those women?”

“I don’t know. I think I just thought I couldn’t be without them like if they left I’d die or something.”

“What I meant was how did it feel to be with those women, not how did it feel to be without them.”

Tox thought for a moment. “You know, I don’t remember. How fucked up is that? I was so desperate not to lose Jessica, I got slapped with a restraining order, and I can hardly remember anything about her. Wait, that’s not true. I remember she used to click her fingernails together when she was thinking. That I remember.”

“And Calliope? What does it feel like to be with her?” Chat continued.

Tox thought for a second. “You know that feeling when you can’t catch a full breath? You keep trying but you can only fill your lungs. You can’t get that last satisfying last bit of air to complete the inhale?”

Chat nodded his understanding. “She’s like that full breath.”

Chat met Tox’s eyes with a penetrating stare, then gave his shoulder a quick squeeze. “It’ll all work out the way it’s meant to, my brother.”

“Ladies, my bra strap is feeling tight. Let’s get some more shots.” Finn motioned for the waitress.

“How well do you even know this chica?” Cam asked.

“I don’t know. Pretty well.”

“Let’s test that shall we?” Steady rubbed his hands together.

The guys went around the table firing questions.

“Favorite song?”

“Nina Simone, ‘Feeling Good’.”

“How does she take her coffee?”

“She hates coffee.”
