“He’s former military, a Navy SEAL. Shit, I don’t think I’m supposed to tell you that.”

“I won’t write that down.”


“It doesn’t sound like it’s relevant anyway.”


“Okay, well, I think that’s all I need,” the detective said.

“That guy I saw in the office that night? Did you guys find him?”

“Not yet, but we have some leads we’re running down. We’ll get him.”

“It’s just odd, you know? Why wouldn’t he call 911?”

“That’s not such a big mystery, Ms. Garland. People don’t call the police all the time. They don’t want to get involved or they have their own secrets.”

“I guess you’re right.”

“If I had a nickel for every time I’ve been on a case where a neighbor or a witness didn’t report a crime, I could retire,” he smiled. “You okay to get to the subway? My car’s back the other way.”

“Of course. Sorry to make you walk all this way.”

“I could use the exercise.” He patted his paunch good-naturedly. “Too much time behind a desk. That should do it, but my partner or I will call if we have more questions.”

With that Detective Costello turned and walked back the way they had come.