I ache for you.

Closer always closer.

I can’t get enough.

I may never get enough.

I’ll keep you safe.

I’ll guard your heart.

I’m afraid.

I’m afraid.

Don’t be afraid.

The moment was broken when Tox tilted his head slightly, his face taking on a cold look of intensity. Pressing a finger to his lips, he quickly disposed of the condom and stepped into his jeans. He sent a text and got an immediate response that seemed to satisfy him. Then he grabbed a boot but didn’t put it on, rather he withdrew the small Sig Sauer P320 from a holster. He signaled to Calliope that someone had entered the house, and for her to stay behind him. She nodded her compliance wide-eyed and threw on Tox’s t-shirt. Tox cupped her face in his large hand and kissed her softly. She smiled. He winked.

Moving like a ghost down the old stairs, avoiding the few that creaked, he immediately saw the intruder. A few more steps down, and he amended, intruders. The man in charge was standing in the living room in profile looking at the graffiti mural that graced the interior wall. He held a Homberg with a pair of gloves set in the bowl of the hat as he studied the painting with an impassive expression. Was this the fuckwit that put hands on Calliope?

Tox moved down low enough that the man couldn’t step out of his line of sight—or fire—and pointed the Sig at his target. The movement caught the visitor’s eye and he turned, startled by the shirtless hulk pointing a gun at his head.

“You so much as twitch and I will blow your fucking head off your shoulders. Do I make myself clear, motherfucker?”

Immediately, two suited goons unholstered their weapons and aimed at Tox. Then the front door opened and the Bishop Security operators Tox had texted joined the party in the front hall. Why were they walking in the front door?

“Tox? What the f—what the heck is going on?”

It took Tox a second to realize the question hadn’t come from Ren or Chat who stood in the doorway with their hands in their pockets. It had come from…Herc Reynolds? Hercules was new to the team. Why was he wearing a suit? Why was he defending the bespoke gentleman in the middle of the living room? Then Steady, also in a suit, ambled into view doing his damnedest not to burst out laughing as he holstered his weapon. An instant later, Cam was at Steady’s side. Before Tox could demand to be let in on the joke that everyone else seemed to get, Calliope poked her head out from behind him and answered his unspoken question.

“Hi, dad.”

Clemente Acosta walked up to the half-naked gigante in front of him. “If you would be so kind as to lower your weapon, Master Chief Buchanan, I’d like to hug my daughter.”

Tox, drowning in mortification, quickly shoved the Sig into the waistband of his jeans, realizing too late, they were still undone and the weapon and jeans slid down to his thighs. He stepped out of the way and turned his back to correct the situation while Cam faked a coughing fit to mask his laughter. Steady stage whispered, “Tox is doing a de-brief.” The men made no attempt to conceal their laughter after that.

Clemente Acosta, former Prime Minister of Portugal and career diplomat, took Calliope in his arms and they spoke in low murmurs. After a moment, Acosta nodded to Tox who was now standing behind his buddies who were making no effort to shield him.

“I’d like a word, Master Chief Buchanan.”

Tox nodded mutely and followed the impeccable man into the kitchen. Steady took pity on him and tossed him the dress shirt he had been wearing over a tee shirt. Too small, but better than nothing. Acosta opened a cabinet and removed a bottle of Glen Livet clearly kept there for him. He tilted the bottle toward Tox who gave a silent shake of his head.

“Cat got your tongue?” There was amusement in Acosta’s tone.

“Sir, I apologize…”

Acosta waved Tox off with the glass he was holding and poured himself a hefty amount of scotch neat.

“Pfft. No need. A man you didn’t know entered the home of a woman I’m going to assume you care for, and you responded. Correctly.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Fortunately, you’re trained well enough to ask questions first and shoot later, not the other way around.”

“Yes, sir.”

“You’ve never been assigned to my detail before.”