Steady took off like a shot, Cam hot on his heels. A minute later they jogged back to the group. “He must have hauled ass the minute he rounded the corner.” Cam shoved his hands in the back pockets of his jeans. “We saw him pull away in a cab.”

Tox pulled Calliope into the circle of his arm. She willingly tucked herself into the nook. “That could explain why there’s still a threat.”

They moved as a unit back to the Suburban. Ren joined them, exiting the building from a side door.

“Someone wants the information you swiped from Gentrify Capital.” Cam started ticking items off on his fingers.

“The files from the flash drive are out of play. Even if they had valuable intel, the Feds have them.” Tox eliminated one option.

Cam continued, “Someone wants those fancy doodles.” He nodded back to the building they had just exited. “Am I missing anything?”

Calliope furrowed her brow, thinking, then shook her head. Tox felt her stiffen in the nook of his body and wished Chat were with them. His unique intuition would be welcome.

“Well, alrighty then.” Steady clapped once. “We know the what and the why.” He rubbed his fingers together in the universal gesture for money. “We don’t know the who or the how.”

“Or the how many,” Cam added.

Steady grinned. “Fine by me. Nathan has us assigned to a diplomat heading to a UN conference,” he pointed with two fingers between himself and Cam, “but we’ll give you every spare minute.”

“Damn straight,” Cam confirmed.

Tox pulled Calliope closer. She tucked a finger through one of his belt loops and held on.