“Oh, there was a homeless guy parked across the street from Tox’s building. I wouldn’t have thought anything of it, but Coco reacted to him. It was like she knew him. Tox’s friend who hangs out on the street said his name was Barrow. Like wheelbarrow.”

“And the art professor was Ambrose Teller,” Cam added.


“Teller, like Penn and Teller.”

“Okay, I’ll start running these names and see if we get a hit.” Twitch went to work.

“Wait. Holy shit. Wait.” Nathan was scribbling on a legal pad as well.

“What is it?” Steady asked.

“Penn and Teller.” Nathan went to the board and began writing again. “Cain and Abel, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Abbott and Costello. Simon and Garfunkel. Each one of these aliases is half of a duo.”

“Why?” Calliope questioned.

“And who’s Barrow?” Steady threw out.

“He’s Clyde. As in Bonnie and Clyde,” Ren clarified.

“So, this guy is what? Half of a team? Is he working with someone else?”

“I don’t think so. He’s been solo this whole time. It’s something else.”

“Nathan?” Twitch looked up from her computer looking stunned. “I’ve been doing a deep dive on Caleb Cain. I think I know who he is.”