Outlaw: Chapter 4

I’d spent the last week since the incident at the bakery, trying to get Tarin to talk to me. She was being stubborn as hell. At first, I tried to go around to her hotel. She’d answered the door once and told me she was busy and she’d get back to me. She never did. The next few times I’d stopped by, she was either out or her car was there and she didn’t answer my knocks no matter how long I knocked or called out to her.

When that happened for the second time, I found her damn phone number and I called her. She’d picked up the first time and hadn’t known what to say when she realized it was me. She’d chatted for a short while then said she had to go. The next time I called, she didn’t answer, or the time after that.

I resorted to texting her. I’d send her texts throughout the day and even funny things. Anything to try and get her to talk to me. I was about to throw in the towel. I must have been mistaken that she was jealous of the remarks Jess and Mad made at the bakery. She just wasn’t interested in me.

I might have done just that, but even the old ladies and some of the other guys had said they’d run into her and she seemed to be a little standoffish. Was it because she didn’t know us, or was that her personality? If it was her personality, I didn’t see her meshing with the club. Anyone I got serious with would have to get along with my brothers and their wives.

It crushed me to think she and I wouldn’t suit each other, because I was so certain in my gut that we could be perfect for each other. I wanted the chance to find out at least. However, for that to happen, she had to talk to me, dammit! I glared at the beer in my hand.

Bull had sent a message asking that all of us be here at the clubhouse tonight by eight. He didn’t say much other than it was important. I wondered what was up now. I saw that Bear and Ilara had even shown up, so it had to be really important to get them to leave Hope at the hospital.

I got up and went to the bathroom before whatever this was about got started. When I got back, I was surprised to see Tarin was here. She was over with Ilara. They seemed to be talking, and it appeared like they were getting along alright. I watched her, trying to see if I could get her attention or figure out what was going through that beautiful head of hers. One thing was certain, she wasn’t leaving tonight without us talking. I’d had enough of her avoiding me.

As I watched her, I saw Bear go over to them. He said something to Ilara then to Tarin. She looked a little startled. She said something back to him then all three of them went to stand in front of the bar. Payne let out a loud whistle that made my ears hurt. When everyone got quiet, it was Bear who said something, not Bull like I expected.

“Thanks for coming. I’m the one who asked Bull to call this meeting. Ilara and I got some news today that we think all of you should know.” He stopped for a second. A sense of dread came over me. Had they gotten more bad news about Hope? They didn’t look overly upset, but who knows.

“Please don’t tell us Hope’s cancer is worse,” Jessica said with a catch in her voice.

“No! No, nothing like that. I was the one that had to have some tests today. We got the results back quickly, thanks to Zara,” Ilara said softly. We all tensed up. Something was wrong with Ilara. I saw Tarin staring at her and Bear in concern.

“What did you find?” Tank asked.

“That we’re going to have a baby, which means since she said yes to marrying me, even before we knew, we’re having a wedding before the baby gets here!” Bear said excitedly. I admit their news shocked me. I knew he wasn’t sterile like he’d thought all these years, but I hadn’t thought about them having kids. Which is silly when you think of Bull and Jocelyn. Being older didn’t make them any less willing or eager to be fathers. We all unfroze when he held up her hand. She had a sparkling ring on her left ring finger.

Everyone started yelling out their congratulations and laughing. Some of them offered to help and even gave some unsolicited advice. Some of it had us laughing. Slash nudged me and whispered, “What the hell do you think of that?”

I turned to him and grinned. “I think it’s fucking great. Bear is made to be a dad. He has to be in heaven right now.” Slash nodded as he grinned at me. I turned back to look at the happy couple, and that’s when I saw Tarin slipping out the front door. Bear noticed it too. I took off after her. I shook my head at Bear and mouthed, I got her. He gave me a puzzled look. Maybe it was time I had a talk with him about his daughter.

Outside, it took me a few minutes to find her. When I did, I sped up. I caught her before she got too far. I got a hold of her arm, and she spun around startled. When she realized it was me, she scowled. “What do you want, Outlaw?”

“I want a lot of things, Tarin. Right now, let’s talk about what just happened back there?”

“What do you mean, what happened back there? Bear and Ilara announced they’re having a baby. I thought it was evident,” she said a little sarcastically.

“Don’t be a smartass. I know they did. Why did you walk out?”

“I was giving them room to be congratulated and to talk to everyone. A lot of people wanted to give them hugs and stuff. I got out of the way. Why does that concern you?”

“That’s not what that was about, Tarin. I saw your face. You’re upset.”

“Upset? Why would I be upset? It’s great news for them. I know how much Bear wants kids.”

“And you had to leave the room? Everyone has been trying to figure out where you fit. You came here to meet your real dad. You find out for sure he’s your dad, and you tell him you want a relationship with him. However, you hardly speak to anyone. You stay holed up in your hotel. I’ve been trying for days to get you to talk to me, to go have coffee, hell, to do something. You won’t answer your door or the phone.”

“Is it so wrong to want to have someone love me and to be number one for once in my life, even for a little while?”

“That’s bullshit. Tell me the real reason you left Atlanta and came here and then stayed? Do you want to have a place here, or is this all beneath you and you want a pity party?” I snapped at her.

Her eyes narrowed, then she yelled at me. “I don’t need you to tell me I’m not welcome here, Outlaw. It’s been apparent since the moment I stepped through the door that I have no place here. I’d hoped I might build a relationship with my real dad if he wanted it. However, seeing as he’s got Hope and now another baby coming, he’s not going to need his adult daughter hanging around. So see, you got your wish. I’m gone. You can kiss my ass. It’s none of your business why I left home.”

She was standing toe-to-toe with me. I had to give her credit. She wasn’t backing down, but her attitude and unwillingness to make an effort was pissing me off. I opened my mouth and let the first thing that came to my mind fly.

“Quit being a damn brat! You should be happy for your dad. He’s waited more than half his life for this. Yeah, it sucks he didn’t know about you or you about him, but life isn’t fair. You running off because you’re pissed you’re not Daddy’s little princess is juvenile. I guess your other dad raised you to be a spoiled brat, the center of the universe.”

I saw the hurt flash across her face right before she slapped me. It stung. She’d put her whole arm into it. She looked like she was ready to breathe fire. I saw Bear step around the corner. Fuck! He didn’t look happy. What had he heard? I was trying to digest her expressions.