“Why do they wait until twelve weeks?”

“In case they lose the baby. It’s most likely to happen in the first trimester,” she said softly. My chest tightened. Jesus, I hadn’t thought of that. What if she did lose the baby? I couldn’t imagine us losing this baby or any others. As soon as I saw that stick, I’d been planning for this baby. Her hand squeezed mine.

“Jewel, I’d hate it if that happened, but if it does, we’d try again when you’re ready. It won’t stop us from trying. I don’t think telling people will jinx it, or make it any less painful if it should happen. It’s up to you. You tell me what you want to do. We have to tell your dad and Ilara, but we can wait on the rest.”

She was quiet for a few minutes then she sighed. “I don’t want to wait. If it’s not to be, waiting isn’t going to change that. Let’s tell Ilara and Dad, then we’ll let the rest of them know. Do you think they’ll be at the clubhouse tonight, so we can tell all of them at once?”

“I’ll send a text to tell them we want them to be there. How does eight sound?” She nodded. It was almost six now. That would give us two hours to tell her dad and get something to eat. Damn, I should’ve stopped in town for some food. When we came through the gate, I waved at Alex and went straight to Bear’s house. He was at the door by the time we got to it. He was anxiously watching us. He knew where we’d gone today.

“Well, what did he say?” he asked. Ilara sighed and pushed him to the side.

“Let them come in before you jump on them, Bear. Come on in. Dinner is almost ready.” Bear moved back and let us inside. Hope ran over to us. I picked her up to blow kisses on her belly. She loved those and laughed hysterically anytime someone did it to her.

I carried her into the kitchen. Ilara went to pull something out of the oven.

“Can I help with anything, Ilara? I wish you’d have waited and I could have helped you,” Tarin scolded her.

“I’m fine with doing this and your dad helped. We knew you’d be back late. I wanted to fix us all dinner. Now, tell us what Dr. Foreman had to say, before your dad has a stroke.” She laughed. Bear did look like he was about to explode.

“Fine, sit down, Dad.” Bear sat down on one of the bar stools. “Outlaw is having everyone meet at the clubhouse later. We want to tell everyone that we’re going to have a baby,” she said with a grin. He gave a whoop and jumped up to hug her. When he was done, he passed her to Ilara and came over to give me a man hug.

“Congratulations, you two. I told you that the home test was right. Did he say when you’re due?” he asked.

“Yeah, almost two months to the day after Ilara. He puts me due around September eighteenth.”

Bear frowned. “I thought you said it’s just since you came home from the hospital. If you’re due in September that means…”

“I got pregnant around Christmas. It seems my pills weren’t as effective as I thought. Or if you ask Outlaw, he’s just that much of a stud.”

I pretended to puff out my chest. She laughed along with Ilara.

Bear shrugged. “He’s not all that. He didn’t knock you up with twins.” He puffed out his chest this time.

“Listen, we thought for a second or two we might have multiples,” I told him. That led to us telling them about the conversation on her blood levels. We all had a good laugh. As they finished getting dinner ready, I sent a group text out to everyone, asking them to meet us at the clubhouse at eight, if they could. In no time, I had responses from everyone, including the prospects, promising they’d be there.

As soon as dinner was over and the mess cleaned up, we went to the clubhouse together. Hope was happy to be staying up past her bedtime. When we walked in, everyone was quietly waiting for us. They had various degrees of worry on their faces. I hurried to wipe those off.

I took Tarin’s hand and led her to the front of the room. Bear and Ilara, along with Hope, came to stand near us. “There’s nothing wrong. I can see by your faces you thought there was. Sorry, I should have been clear about that in my text.” They all sighed in relief. “We just wanted to tell you that Tarin and I will be trying to beat Bear and Ilara to the altar.”

“Why?” Tank yelled.

“Because we want to beat them at something. They’re having twins and we’re only having one baby, so that’s the only way.”

It took a second or two for what I said to sink in then they all started to grin. The teasing started and then the congratulations came. Bear came over to me after everyone had gotten done congratulating us. “So, you think you’re gonna beat us to the wedding, do ya? I think my old lady might have a trick or two up her sleeve. Don’t ya, babe?”

Ilara gave me a wink then pulled Tarin to the side to whisper to her. I tried to get close enough to hear what she was saying, but Bear wouldn’t let me. I saw a huge smile spreading across Tarin’s face as she nodded and laughed.

“Baby, come here. Don’t let your dad or Ilara influence you,” I hollered. She gave Ilara a kiss on the cheek then came over to me.

“Honey, she’s not influencing me. She just gave me an idea. We’ll talk later. Right now, why don’t we celebrate our good news? Then later, you can take me to the house and make love to me until I tell you what she said,” she whispered. I growled as I lifted her off her feet and kissed her. We spent the next hour with our friends and family before calling it a night. I still had work to do after I got her all loved up.


Back at the house, we took a shower together. She had me hard and ready to take her right there against the shower wall, but I didn’t want her to be uncomfortable. I got us in and out as fast as possible and then stretched her out on the bed. I stood back to admire her sexy body. Even though she was technically two months pregnant, I didn’t see any changes to her stomach. Her breasts might be a tad larger, though.

I started at her feet and I kissed up one leg, to her hip, then her ribs until I reached her mouth. I gave her a slow, deep kiss then kissed down the other side. The only parts I skipped were her breasts and her pussy. She squirmed on the bed and her breathing had picked up. By the time I made it back to her feet, she broke. She cupped her own breasts and was rolling her nipples between her thumbs and her fingers. I shook my head.

“No, no, that’s my job, Jewel. You’re not allowed to pleasure yourself unless I say you can. Put your hands under your hips.” She pouted but did as I asked. That made her breasts press up more. I leaned over her and flicked her nipple lightly with the tip of my tongue. She moaned. I didn’t do more than that which had her whimpering. I did it to the opposite side once too.