Outlaw: Chapter 18

In the last two days since Tarin had gotten the photos, the note, and we’d found out she was pregnant, I’d barely slept. If I wasn’t searching for clues to whoever was sending her the pictures, I was making love to her. I didn’t want her to doubt for a second, I wanted her and this baby. Plus, I couldn’t keep my hands off of her. I hadn’t found anything on the video at the drugstore. The person who did it had made sure to never look at the store and had on a hat pulled down low and a hoodie up over that.

The one good thing, other than the baby, was she’d also been ecstatic and showed me how much, when I told her about the house we were having built. She had thought they were building more townhomes.

I was taking a break today, to go to Dr. Foreman’s office with her. She’d been shocked when I did call him yesterday, on Sunday, and he told me to come in as the last appointment of the day. As we pulled up to his office, she was fidgeting. “Tarin, what’s wrong?” I asked as I grasped her hands. She was twisting them together.

“What if the test was wrong, Damian? What if I’m not really pregnant?”

“Well, if you’re not, we’ll go home and throw the rest of those damn pills in the trash and I’ll get to work on knocking you up.” I wiggled my eyebrows at her as I smirked. She burst out laughing. She relaxed her hands.

“You’re nuts.”

“About you, Jewel. I’m nuts about you. Come on, let’s go prove to you that the test wasn’t wrong.” I got out and came around to help her down. She insisted she walk inside using her walking boot. I knew she’d be glad to ditch that. Hopefully, at the end of the week, it would be history.

When we got inside, there was only one other woman in the waiting room. We checked in and sat to fill out tons of paperwork. By the time we were done, the last woman had gone into the back. We waited maybe another ten minutes then she came out, and we were called into the back. I watched as they weighed Tarin, took her blood, pulse and blood pressure then had her change into a paper gown.

It wasn’t long before Dr. Foreman came in and introduced himself to us. He went over some things like when was her last period and what they were usually like. By the time he’d done that and reviewed her history, there was a knock and a nurse came in with a piece of paper. We looked at each other excitedly. This had to be it. He looked at it then us. He was smiling.

“Congratulations, you two, you’re definitely pregnant. The levels make me think you’re close to two months along, but we’ll check with a sonogram to be sure. Is that what you thought?”

“No, actually, I thought I might have gotten pregnant a couple of weeks ago. I haven’t had a period since December, but I had an accident and was in a coma, so I figured that messed up my periods. I wasn’t on the pills in the hospital,” Tarin told him.

“I mean, I could be wrong, but I highly doubt it. For these levels to be this high after only a couple of weeks, you’d have to be pregnant with multiples. Let me get the sonogram in here and we’ll check it out. Give me a minute.” He left the room. She was looking at me in panic.

“Baby, what’s wrong?”

“Multiples! He said it could be multiples. What will we do if it is?”

“We’ll brag to the others how much more of a man I am than them. Bull and your dad are walking around all cocky since they fathered twins.” Ilara had gone to the doctor earlier, and they had found out a couple of days ago.

“Oh my God, I can’t believe you! You’re going to brag if it’s true. Who has three babies?”

“Talia and Razor have triplets. Come on, someone in our chapter has to compete,” I teased her.

“I swear to God, Damian, if I have more than one baby in there, these are the only ones you get.”

I gave her a kiss. “We’ll see, but let’s see first before you panic. If it is more than one, we’ve got this.”

A knock on the door then Dr. Foreman coming in saved me from what might have been more of her panic mode. He got her into position and explained what he was doing with the wand thing in his hand. I had no idea you couldn’t put gel on the belly and move that wand thing around until a woman was further along. I didn’t like the idea of that up inside of her, but it was the only way. After it was inserted, he turned on the machine and we could hear a sort of whooshing sound. He grinned.

“That’s the heartbeat. We can usually hear that around six weeks. Now, let’s take a look. I’ll be taking some measurements. Those will help me determine your due date and when you most likely conceived.”

As he worked, I asked him, “Do you see more than one baby?”

“No, I only see one sac. See this?” He pointed to the screen to a grayer area. “This is the fetal sac. There appears to be only one in there. And with me being able to hear the heartbeat and the measurements, it looks like you’re at eight and a half weeks roughly, which corresponds to your last period. You got pregnant around Christmas. That makes the baby due…” He fiddled with the machine and then said, “Around September eighteenth.”

A whoosh of air left Tarin. She was smiling. We watched as he finished up and then printed out a few pictures for us to take. We spent several more minutes going over the handouts he gave us and the schedule he wanted to see her. We were walking on air when we left the building. I wanted to beat my chest and shout to the world that I was going to be a father. After I got her in the truck and I got in, we headed back to the compound. I couldn’t wait to tell everyone the news. I held her hand. “Are you happy, baby?”

“I am. I know if it was more than one, we’d be okay, but it was scary to think. I don’t know how Ilara is going to handle it. She’s going to have three under the age of three!” she marveled.

“She’s going to have help from all of us, but especially your dad. You do realize what this means, don’t you? You’re going to have siblings barely older than our kids. I can’t wait to tease the shit out of Bear about it. He’s a dirty old man.”

She smacked me in the arm. “Don’t you dare! He’s already a little sensitive to the fact he’s so much older than her. He doesn’t need you to remind him.”

“Hey, I won’t. Anyone who sees them knows how damn much they love each other. She’s perfect for him. Their age has nothing to do with it. If people wanna say shit, we’ll tell them to go fuck themselves. Back to our baby. When do you want to tell the others? I figure for sure we’d tell your dad and Ilara tonight. What about the rest of the club?”

“Well, do you want to wait? Some people don’t tell until after they’ve gotten past the first twelve weeks.”