“Yeah. I guess I do need to talk to her about that too. Thanks for coming back in,” I told the rest. They all nodded and got up. As they were clearing the room, Bear caught me and pulled me into a corner.

“What the hell is wrong with you?”

“Other than someone fucking with my woman, you mean?”

“I mean this attitude of yours about the possibility of a baby. You’ve acted like it's the last thing you want. If it is, you should have been more careful,” he snapped.

“What the hell are you talking about? Of course, I would love it if she’s pregnant.”

“You’re not acting like it.”

“I’m trying not to get my hopes up, that’s all.”

“Well, you sure did that. It looks like you don’t want a baby and I’m probably not the only one thinking that.”

As his words registered, a knot formed in my stomach. Shit, had I tried so hard that I made her think I didn't want her to have my baby? “Son of a bitch! I need to go talk to your daughter. Later,” I shouted as I ran out of the room then the clubhouse. I needed to set the record straight.