Tarin: Chapter 16

It had been a week since Outlaw asked me to marry him then he’d proceeded to make love to me until I promised him anything he wanted. The man was a god in the bedroom. I came so many times, I lost count, and feeling at one point in my legs. He was constantly having me try new things. That made me want even more.

The club had been excited to hear our news the next day at the clubhouse. Before we told everyone, we stopped by and told my dad and Ilara. Both of them seemed to be really happy for us. Then Dad proceeded to tell Outlaw what he would do to him if he hurt me. Ilara and I sat there laughing at the two alpha males trying to out buffalo each other. I had no doubt Dad could and would do something to Outlaw if he intentionally hurt me, but he was a teddy bear in some ways too. It would hurt him to have to hurt Outlaw.

Dad insisted we let the world know I was getting married. He had Ilara help him announce it in the local paper and on Facebook, which I thought was hilarious. He was like a preening proud father. I didn’t know who he was hoping would see it. I didn’t have any family other than him. There were no close friends back in Atlanta. They were acquaintances.

Since then, I've gotten busy with finding things I could do for Warriors Haven. I was serious about wanting to help there. Demon had been so happy when I talked to him. Right now, he had me going through and ensuring that the homes were stocked with everything they might need. There was a central store, I guess it would be called, in the small self-contained complex. It carried everyday things you might need, like groceries, household items and basic over-the-counter meds. I was in awe of what they were providing to those who would live there.

So far, they haven't gotten anyone to live there. It had just opened not too long ago. I overheard them talking about something the Punishers were doing that would likely result in them needing to place and protect some women. I wanted to ask what that was about, but it was club business. I shouldn’t have heard that much.

I was slowly learning what it meant to be a biker’s woman in this club. Being an old lady was more than a title. It was the way you supported your man and his club too. His brothers became your brothers. I loved how the old ladies pulled together and supported each other and their kids.

Kids, that was another thing. They seemed to be everywhere. All the old ladies, except for me, had either had a baby recently or was about to have one. Zara was going to pop any day now. She was thirty-seven weeks pregnant. I could see how ready she was to have her son.

We were sitting around the common room. We were talking some about the wedding, but mainly we were talking about nothing. Caeden and Corinne were toddling around. They had learned to walk and were everywhere, so we all kept an eye on them. They turned one-year-old last month. Hayden, their nephew, was leading the pack since he was just six weeks ahead of them in age. Moira, Rebel and Madisen’s daughter, would be one in just over a month. She was holding on to things and walking. Kiara, Ajax and Jessica’s baby girl, was crawling, so we had her in one of those baby walkers. She was happily banging off things.

I jumped up to grab a falling Moira. When she was safely holding on to furniture again, I sat back down. Ilara smiled. “You’re good with kids, Tarin. Do you and Outlaw plan to have any?”

“I-I guess so. I mean, he mentioned it in general but we haven’t really talked about it. It depends on him. I love kids and I wouldn’t mind having a couple, but only if he does.”

How in the hell had we gotten on this topic? Maybe Outlaw didn’t want kids even if he had mentioned them when he proposed to me. He seemed to do really well with the ones here, but that wasn’t the same as having your own. These ones you can send home. I’d have to ask him about it later.

“Well, you need to make sure, because you might end up like me. I wasn’t thinking about it when I got knocked up.” Ilara pointed to her stomach. It was the cutest thing on her. My dad was constantly touching it. I saw him one night, leaning down like he was talking to the baby. She was barely over four months and he could hardly wait.

“But you wanted more kids, right?”

“Absolutely, but I thought it would never happen. When your dad came along, he knocked me for a loop then he knocked me up.” She laughed.

“He’s a great dad to Hope. I have no doubt he’ll be the same with this one. When can you find out what you’re having? Or don’t you want to know?”

I did, so I could get to work on a few outfits I wanted to make.

“In a couple of weeks, we'll have a sonogram done and they should be able to tell us. We want to know.”

“I can’t wait. Do you need anything, ladies?” I asked the whole table. “I'm running into town to grab a few things. I forgot them the other day when I ordered groceries.”

“You can have one of the prospects do it, Tarin. You don’t have to do it yourself,” Jocelyn reminded me.

“I know and I do send them sometimes, but today, I want to be the one to do it. I don’t plan to be gone long. Any idea when they’ll get out of church? I might have time to go and get back,” I mused.

“Does Outlaw know you’re going?” Madisen asked me. She was helping Moira drink out of her sippy cup.

“No, I realized it after he went into his meeting. It’s no big deal. I can leave and go places on my own.” I was starting to get irritated.

She held up her hand. “I know you can. Just wanted to check, since these guys are super protective. I’m fine, I don’t need anything.” A quick run around the table and I only had one thing for Jocelyn. The twins were cutting teeth. She wanted more teething ointment. I got up.

“I won’t be long. If you think of anything, call me. If my man comes out, will you tell him where I went?” They all nodded. I ran to the townhouse to grab my purse and keys, then I got on the road. It was a quick and quiet ride to town. The sun was out, and the temperature was crisp.

I lucked out and found a parking spot along the side of the drugstore. I hurried inside and started searching for the items as needed. I found the ointment pretty quickly. My stuff took a few more minutes. I needed to add one more thing to my list. When I had what I needed and I checked to be sure no one had sent me a text with more things on it, I checked out.

I was trying to get to my car without getting wet. While I’d been in the store, the weather had gone from sunny to raining. I loved how green it made the trees and grass, but I hadn’t taken an umbrella with me. I was opening my door when a piece of paper tucked under my windshield wiper caught my eye. I yanked it out and scrambled into the car.

The rain was cold, so I put on the heat and waited for it to warm the car and me. I unfolded the piece of paper to see what someone was advertising. My breath caught in my throat. Inside was a picture of me on my stepfather’s lap. He had that smile on his face I had hated. His hand was possessively laying on my thigh. Below the picture was a note.

Did you think you’d take everything from him? He treated you like a princess and you betrayed him. Luckily, when you left, he still had his photos. Those photos are still being enjoyed. What if your biker saw one of them? Would he think you’re worthy then? Does he know, Tarin? Did you tell him your secrets? Does he know how you tempted a wonderful man and then devastated him by leaving and not letting him near you. You lied to Carol. You loved what he was doing. Why did you lie?

Taped to the page was a small SD card. My hands were shaking so hard, I could barely hold on to the paper. It was unsigned. Who’d left it? I looked around to see if I could see anyone watching me. All I saw were cars, rain, and people running to and from the cars. I felt sick. What the hell did this mean? What was on the SD card? What photos was he talking about? I shakily took my phone out of my purse and I called Outlaw. It went to voicemail. They must still be in church. I scrolled through my contacts until I got to Ilara. I called her. She picked up almost immediately. “Hey, Tarin, we don’t need anything, hon. Are you on your way home?”