“We’ll get you out of here as soon as possible. Meanwhile, rest, eat, drink a lot of fluids, and take your pain meds on a schedule. Don’t let it get ahead of you. You’ll heal quicker. Right now, the less stress the better for your healing process.” I saw Dad and Outlaw exchange looks. I was distracted by the doctor saying something else before I could ask what was up with that look. All I wanted to do was get the hell out of here and on with my life at home, with Outlaw.


It was five days before they would let me leave. I had a whole list of things to follow up on. Zara had come and promised them she’d be my doctor. I was so excited to go outside, even if it was cool and rainy. Outlaw had someone bring his truck down, so he could take me home. He wouldn’t even let me stand up with crutches when we got outside the hospital. He lifted me into the truck and fastened my seatbelt. Dad had finally gone home a couple of days ago. I had to threaten him before he would do it. Outlaw, I couldn’t threaten.

He took it slow on the drive back, though the bumps on the road made me hiss a couple of times. By the time we made it back to Hunters Creek and through the gate of the compound, I was tired and ready for a nap. As we pulled into the compound, I frowned. Something was nagging at me as I looked at the gate. What was it?

He took me straight to the townhome. Oh damn, I forgot. We’d been moving in. I wondered how soon I could call the movers in Atlanta and have them bring my stuff. Since he was stopping here, I assumed that meant we had gotten a bed at least. He insisted on carrying me again. I protested this time. “Damian, you don’t need to carry me everywhere. I can make it. I have crutches. You can’t carry me everywhere for the next three weeks.”

“Why not?” he asked as we went up three steps to the front door.

“Because you have to work sometime. I’ll be hoofing it to the bathroom and stuff. I need to break these crutches in.”

He opened the door and stepped inside. “No, you won’t. I’ll be here.” I was about to argue when it registered, we’d stepped into a room full of furniture. Furniture that was very familiar. I looked around stunned. There was my living room suite. I glanced toward the open kitchen and my round table and chairs were in there. I looked up at him. He was grinning down at me.

“H-how? When?” I sputtered.

“They brought it on the day you had already scheduled it. I didn’t want to stop them. I wanted it to be here when you came home. You’ll feel better and heal faster with your own stuff around you.” He sat me down on the living room couch. He went to the kitchen and then came back with two bottles of water. The man was constantly trying to pump me full of water.

He tugged me close and kissed my hair. “If there’s anything you want moved around, or we need to get, just let me know and I’ll make it happen. They also boxed up my stuff from the clubhouse and brought it over here. The bedrooms and full bathrooms are upstairs, so make sure you don’t go up or down unless I’m here. I don’t want you falling.”

I gave him a kiss. As he deepened it, I felt myself getting warmer and my nipples tightening. He groaned and tore his mouth away from mine. “Shit, we have to stop. We can’t do this yet.”

I pulled his head down to mine. “Why not?” I whispered against his lips. It felt like I hadn’t felt his touch in years. We’d only been together two weeks before the accident. I wanted to feel him inside of me.

“Baby, you need to heal. Your leg and ribs are still broken. Your incision is new and your head trauma hasn’t fully resolved. I won’t do anything that jeopardizes your recovery, even if it kills me to wait.”

“It won’t hurt me.”

“You don't know that,” he said sternly. I growled as I nipped at his bottom lip. I laid my hand over his crotch. His cock was growing harder by the second.

“Yes, I do. I asked my doctor before we left. He said as long as I’m careful and don’t push if it’s painful, I can resume normal activities. I asked him specifically about sex. He said as long as we’re not doing any swinging from the ceiling, I should let my body dictate. I told him we’d wait until six weeks after surgery before we resumed the ceiling acrobatics.”

He burst out laughing. “Jesus, that explains why he was giving me such an odd look when we left. You asked when I went to get the truck, didn’t you?” I grinned as I nodded. He groaned before his mouth took mine again. We were getting lost in the sensations. I was ready to tell him to take me to bed when there was a knock at the door. I whimpered, and he swore.

“Fuck, how do I answer the door with a damn hard-on from hell? Can we pretend not to be home?” He looked out the window and swore again. “It’s your dad with Ilara and Hope!”

I giggled then laid a pillow over his lap and called out, “Come in. The door’s unlocked.” Dad opened the door. He and Ilara gave me hugs and kisses. Hope puckered up her lips, so I could give her a kiss. They didn’t stay long, but they were the beginning of a wave of visitors. No one stayed very long, but they all seemed happy to see me and wanted to welcome me home. When the last one left, I was feeling content and tired. Outlaw insisted I take a nap while he took care of dinner. I didn’t argue. I had plans for tonight, and they included he and I making up for lost time.