Outlaw: Chapter 8

Unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to talk to Tarin after we got back. She was asleep, and I decided to let her rest. I did stay in the bedroom and watch her though. She looked so damn peaceful lying there in my bed. I ached to crawl under the covers and hold her, however, that would have to wait until after we talked. If she woke up with me in bed with her, she might freak out.

When she woke up later, she was startled to see me. She sat up and pushed her hair out of her face. She looked adorable, all messy and sleepy. “Outlaw, what’re you doing here? I mean, I know it’s your room, but why are you sitting there watching me sleep?”

“You looked so peaceful. I was worried that after what happened you might have a nightmare. I wanted to be close in case you did.” That was partially true. I got up and went over to sit on the side of my bed. She scooted up and over a tiny bit. She looked lost and nervous. “How’re you feeling?”

“I feel fine. You don’t need to keep asking me that. He barely hurt me. What happened with your talk?”

I hesitated. I didn’t know what I should tell her. I’d never come out and say we killed him. That was something that could get us all into trouble, but she did deserve to know something of what happened.

“We had our talk. Your dad and I questioned him. It looks like he hired a PI to track down Ilara. He overheard you in the coffee shop one day on the phone. You were talking to someone about finding Bear and that he was a Warrior. That’s how he figured out you were Bear’s daughter. He thought if he kidnapped you, he’d ransom Ilara and Hope to get you back.”

She groaned. “Damn it, I led him right to me. Shit. Well, now you know. He was working alone, more or less. There’s no reason to think that PI will continue to help him, is there? Or did that guy know why he was after Ilara?”

“He didn’t know the real reason. I don’t think he’ll be an issue, but we’ll want to make sure. You could still be in danger, Tarin. You need to stay here and not at the hotel.”

“No, I'm not going to do that! Dad, I mean, Bear, needs his space. If I stay, I'm not going to muscle in on their time together.”

“You’re going to stay, Tarin. I heard that bullshit about you not being here for Christmas and then when you get back from your trip, you plan to move somewhere else. That’s not going to happen,” I growled.

She sat up straight and glared at me. “Who’re you to tell me what I can and can’t do, Outlaw! I’m a grown-ass woman and you’re not my boss!” she half-shouted at me. I didn’t argue. I shut her up the best way I knew how. I grabbed her hips and yanked her flat on the bed, then I took her mouth. I wasn’t gentle or sweet about it. I consumed her lips. My teeth nibbled and my lips pressed over and over against hers. When she gasped, I slid my tongue inside of her mouth and teased her hot, wet tongue. We were both panting when we came up for air. She was looking stunned.

“I may not be your boss, but I fully intend to be your man. You’re not going to run off. I want you here. Your dad wants you here. Where the fuck were you thinking of going? And who were you talking to on the phone that day in the coffee shop?” I rasped out. I was fighting not to press my hard cock between her spread thighs. If I did, I didn't think I would be able to stop until I had her naked and screaming underneath me. My whole body ached to be inside of her. I wanted to taste her entire body.

“Outlaw, you’re not going to be my man, whatever that means! I’m not here looking for a hookup. I came to meet my dad. As for where I’m going, I don’t know yet. And who I was talking to is none of your business.”

I crouched over her. I caged her in with my arms and legs. “Like hell you’re not. This isn’t some booty-call bullshit, Tarin. It’s much more than that. You won't let me explain to you what I want. You always think I’m thinking the worst of you. I’m not. And don't call me Outlaw. I need you to call me Damian when it’s just us. Outlaw is for the club and when we’re with other people. Alone, I want my name on those sexy lips. It’s what I want to hear you call out when I make you come.”

“You’re not making me come! No, no way is that happening. I know this game. Guys will say anything to get a piece of ass then they tire of you and they leave. I don’t play that game. I learned that lesson a long time ago.” She shoved at my chest. It pissed me off that she was convinced that all men did that. I’d never led a woman on, and to hear her say she’d learned that lesson made me want to punch someone. I grabbed her wrists and held them securely over her head.

“I’m not playing with you. I’m sorry you’ve had guys do that shit, but I won’t. I’ve been trying to find a way to tell you how I feel since you got here, Tarin.”

“Since I got here? You haven’t been able to stand me. You watch my every move like you think I’m going to steal something or hurt Bear. I have no intention of doing either. Tell me, how many women have kept you company while you’ve been ‘trying’ to tell me how you feel? Can you count them on one hand?” she asked acidly.

I dropped my hips between her legs and pressed my hard cock against her pussy. She gasped and her back arched up off the bed. “I don’t need a hand to count them on. I haven’t been touching anyone since I met you. I’ve been taking care of it on my own, but I’m tired of that. I want you to look me in the eye and make me believe it when you say you don’t want me. If you do make me believe it, I'll never bother you again.” I wasn’t sure I could keep that promise. Deep down, I knew she was the one for me and that I was the one for her. I could make her happy and satisfy her every desire, in and out of bed.

She whimpered. Her face flushed and her breathing picked up. I swiveled my hips, so my cock rubbed across her clit. Through the thin fabric of her dress and panties, I knew she could feel it. “I-I don’t…” she petered off when I pressed against her again. Her head was thrown back and her eyes were closed.

I nibbled on her earlobe. I let go of her wrists, so I could cup her breasts. “Tell me, my beautiful jewel. Tell me you don't want me, want this. Tell me you hate me and can’t stand me. Tell me you haven’t pictured us together. Tell me you don't wonder what it would be like to have me inside of you, fucking you until we both scream. Tell me!” I hissed.

“It would be just sex,” she moaned.

“No, it’ll never be just sex between us. I know it. You need to know it. I’m going to show you, Tarin. I’m going to show you that you do want me and it’s for more than a release. It’s for the rest of your life. Now tell me, who were you talking to on the phone that day? Was it a man?” I growled. The thought she might actually be seeing someone, even if it was purely sexual, had me going nuts. No man had better ever be inside of her again but me.

“It’s none of your—” I cut her off. I took her mouth as I ground into her clit and I tweaked her nipple through her bra. She screamed into my mouth as she came. I held onto my control by a thread, as she bucked against me. She jerked over and over. I groaned, imagining her squeezing my cock over and over with her pussy.

When she relaxed, I let go of her mouth. She was looking up at me dazed. “That’s just a taste. I’ll let you think about this, Jewel, but not forever. And while you do, there better not be any other men, or I’ll kill the fuckers.”

“Outlaw—” I glared at her. “Damian, you can’t dictate if I can see anyone else or not.” She corrected herself, which I took as a small victory. “And I don’t believe you’ve been without sex for almost a month.”

I dropped a kiss on her mouth. “Believe it. I’ve been rubbing myself raw thinking of you. Babe, I don’t know who gave you this shitty outlook on men, but I swear we're not all like that. I won’t lie. I’ve slept with women and that was it.” She stiffened. “But they knew before I ever did, that it was sex and that we were unlikely to repeat it. If we did, it was never going to be more than that. Let me ask you something. Do you think Bear will cheat on Ilara?” She slowly shook her head no. “Then why do you have such a hard time imagining that I can be faithful?”

“Why would you? I’m nothing special, Out-Damian. You can have just about any woman you want. There are a lot of women who’re sexier, skinnier, and smarter than me.”

I sat up and stared at her in shock. She looked totally serious. “Tarin, you’re fucking so damn beautiful, smart, and sexy that it hurts. As for being skinnier, I guess if I wanted to fuck a bone, then yeah. Who the hell wants to be poked to death by a skeleton during sex? I love that you have this ass and those thighs that I can’t wait to have hugging me tight. Those breasts of yours will give me a nice mouthful. I can hardly wait to see all this naked and spread out on my bed.” I traced around her breasts and down her tummy to right above her mound outside her dress.

She didn’t say anything. She just stared at me, like if she did it long enough, she’d be able to know if I was telling the truth. As she did, I decided to give her time to process what I’d said. “Baby, please think about what I said. I do want you. I’m pretty sure you want me. At least let me try and show you that I’m not lying. Don’t leave Hunters Creek. Stay and get to know your dad and me. Will you do that? Give me until the end of the month.” I knew I might have just painted myself into a corner. It was barely over three weeks until the New Year. What if I couldn’t convince her by then?