He had snot and puke on his face. Bear snapped to Jake, “Hose his ass down, and make sure to get the floor too.” When Jake was done, the puke was down the drain in the floor and Hamilton was shivering. Bear launched into questioning him about who helped him find Ilara. He didn’t answer.

I cleared my throat to get Bear’s attention. “I don’t mean to interrupt, but I did find something right before we found out he took Tarin.” I gave Hamilton my most hate-filled, murderous look. “I found a payment for a large purchase in his company’s name, but when I dug into it to find out what it was for, the company was bogus. The guy who was the supposed manager, whose name is on the account, turns out he’s a PI in Philly. I know who he is and where he is.”

“What did you tell him to keep him looking for her, or was he a sick bastard like you?” Bear snapped at him. Hamilton remained mute. When Bear picked up the sledgehammer again, he answered. He told us about the PI he hired, who specialized in cheating spouses and girlfriends. He had fed him some bullshit story.

Bear tormented him about needing to go pick up Ilara and take her home where he was going to make love to her over and over. He told him how she admitted Bear did things to her no man ever had. Hamilton lost his shit again.

“Motherfucker, you’re dead! I’ll kill you! I’ll fucking kill you! She never said that!” He was drooling because he spit so much screaming at Bear. Bear calmly took out his knife and drove it into the shoulder he’d shot earlier. Hamilton passed out. My brother, Ace, remarked on how much of a lunatic he was.

Payne, the sadist that he was, delighted in his pain. Bear ordered a couple of our brothers to wake him back up. When he was, Bear started asking him about Tarin. How did he know she was his daughter? What did he think would happen when he took her? Did he think Bear would trade her for Ilara and Hope?

Hamilton answered him. “I overheard her talking on the phone one day at the cafe in town. She was telling someone she found her dad. His name was Bear, and he was in a biker club called the Archangel’s Warriors. She was going to see him later.”

“What did you do then?” I asked him. He glanced at me then back to Bear.

“I followed her to her hotel. I knew that it might come in handy to know where she was staying, which it did.” He gave him a tiny smile.

“When you failed to get Ilara that day at the hospital, you came up with this plan to grab Tarin, didn’t you? Again, why did you think I’d trade one for the others?” Bear asked him.

“Because she’s your daughter! Hope isn’t and Ilara is a woman, but you can find another one. I was going to make the trade and take my family home.”

“They’re not your fucking family! They’re mine. I’d never trade any of them! Blood isn’t thicker than water. Hope is as much mine as Tarin,” he shouted then he stabbed him in the other shoulder. Hamilton wailed in pain.

This time, I got in on the questioning about Tarin. “When you took Tarin, you didn’t plan to give her back, did you? You were going to rape her and then kill her,” I said in my most deadly calm voice. It was the one I used when I was the most enraged.

Hamilton raised his head. He started to laugh. “I was going to kill her, but only after I had her and made her scream my name. She would’ve begged me to fuck her again and again, just like Ilara did.” As he laughed, Bear and I both went for him. I lost my shit. I pulled out my knife and stabbed him before I sliced up his underwear and tore them aside until I could see his limp, pathetic cock. I didn’t hesitate or think twice. I made one swipe and cut it in half.

Hamilton looked down in horror and sobbed. Bear grabbed his hair. “Look at me. I’m going to show you why they call me Bear. Some say it’s because I’m big like one and I growl like one, but that’s not it. It’s because of a story I told as a prospect. I think you should hear it.” Bear launched into the story of going hunting with his dad and killing a bear when he was a kid. After it was dead, his dad told him about a frontiersman who killed a bear and then cut out its heart. Bear had wanted to do it.

“Now, what does that story have to do with now? I’m going to cut out your fucking heart and burn that fucker to ash. And you’re going to get to watch, because I’m not waiting until you’re dead to do it,” Bear hissed. Hamilton’s eyes went wide, and he started to shake his head and mumble no over and over. Bear grabbed the axe we had on the table. Hamilton screamed as Bear hacked through the bone and got to his heart. When he got through the ribs to the heart, he cut his heart and held it in front of Hamilton’s face as he took his last breath. How he kept from passing out, I had no fucking clue. It was gruesome and beyond painful.

My brothers and I were standing around silent. I had to admit, Bear had shocked the shit out of me. He threw the heart in a bucket. “Will you burn the heart and the body in the crematory for me? I need to go get Ilara at the hospital,” he said calmly.

Bull nodded. “We’ll take care of it. You go get cleaned up and get your woman. She’s safe now. All of them are.” He looked at me when he said that.

“Thank you for helping to make sure my family is safe.”

“That’s what family does, Bear. We help each other and do whatever it takes to keep each other safe,” Tank told him. Bear left while the rest of us cleaned up the mess and burned the body in the crematorium. I was anxious to get back to Tarin and have a talk of my own. It was time to put my cards on the table.