Outlaw: Chapter 6

I was barely able to type on my keyboard. The images that kept playing through my mind, of what could be happening to Tarin right this minute, were driving me insane. He was hurting her, likely raping her, and I wasn’t there to stop it. I should have been there, at the hotel, to make sure something like this didn’t happen. Why the hell didn’t any of us think that he might try to get at Ilara through someone? Tarin, as Bear’s daughter, was the ideal person. Yet, none of us even thought to put her on lockdown. If we got her back, that would never happen again. I’d make sure of it.

There was a quick, loud knock at my bedroom door, then the door opened and Bull and Tank came in. As the president and VP, they would want to know what was going on. “What’s going on? You came running in here like your ass was on fire. I heard from Tiger that Bear raced out of the hospital. He’s headed this way, I imagine. Talk to us,” Bull ordered.

“I’m sorry, Bull, I didn’t mean to keep you in the dark. It’s just that I was focused on finding answers. The fast and dirty is this. I went to talk to her this morning, but it didn’t feel right, so I had the clerk at the desk, Hank, pull the security footage. Hamilton broke into Tarin’s hotel last night and took her. We have it on video that it was him and she was unconscious when he took her out of her room. Bear is on his way here, so we can strategize on how to find her. I’m checking camera footage from all over town, trying to find him.”

“Son of a bitch! Please tell me you’re joking,” Bull yelled. Tank shook his head in disbelief and rubbed his jaw. “Why the hell didn’t we have her here instead of out there?” Bull asked.

“I was just asking myself the same thing. Not one of us thought he’d target other family members. She’s Bear’s daughter. We have no idea what spies Hamilton might have. He could have been having her watched. Jesus, I don’t know, but we have to find her. God knows what he’s doing to her!” I uttered.

Before they could say anything else, the door swung open and Bear came charging into my room. Bull went right to him and gave him a hug. “We’ll find her, I swear, Bear. This motherfucker doesn’t know who he’s messing with.”

“What if we can’t, Bull? We’ve been looking for him for over a month. We haven’t found him. He’s out there and we don’t have a clue where. She’s been gone for ten hours. God knows what he’s doing to her,” Bear gritted out. I could hear the anguish in his voice. He was imagining the same things I was. I couldn’t help but to let a sound of pure rage and pain rumble out of me. I felt like I was on fire. I saw Bear watching me. He asked, “See anything?”

“He left town, heading south on the 111 toward Spencer. There aren’t any cameras on that road, so I don’t know if he stayed on it or took off on another one like I-70.” I tried to keep the frustration I was feeling from bubbling over. I was about to ask who was going to head out and search that area, when we heard a commotion coming from the direction of the common room. Bear looked at us then he rushed out of the room. Obviously, he was going to see what the hell was going on. We all raced after him.

When I got there with Bull and Tank, Bear was standing still. He was staring at the center of the common room. I could understand why when I saw what he was looking at, or I should say who. Tarin was standing there. She looked dazed, and she was a mess. Her hair was messy. She had dirt on her face and clothes. She never looked more beautiful to me. It was all I could do not to race over and take her in my arms.

Then it registered that she wasn’t alone. She was being held in the arms of another man. A growl started to build in my throat. What the hell was he doing here and why was he with Tarin and holding her in his arms? Arms that I could easily tear off in a second if he didn’t let go of her. Tate, our ex-fucking prospect, was holding onto my Tarin, my woman. Before I could tell him to let go of her, Bear was over to them and he took her into his arms. She sagged against her dad. Bear kissed her head over and over as he whispered brokenly, “Thank God, thank God.”

It was painful not to go take her into my arms. I saw Bear glance at me. To my surprise, he passed her over to me. I gripped her tightly to me and had to close my eyes to contain the tears of relief. She was back. Whatever happened to her, we could deal with it. At least she was safe and behind our walls now. I tried to listen to what was happening. Bear had turned to look at Tate. Tate was looking at Bear with trepidation in his eyes. “What the fuck are you doing with my daughter, Tate? You’d better tell me and convince me that I shouldn’t kill you in the next thirty seconds,” he growled really low.

Tarin stirred in my arms. I didn’t let her go. “No, don’t hurt him! He saved me. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be here,” she sobbed. We all looked at Tate for an explanation. What did he do?

“Sit and start talking,” Bear snapped. Tate sat at the table closest to us. I took a seat at the same table. I pulled Tarin down to sit on my lap. I wasn’t ready to let her go yet. She was still out of it, which is probably why I was getting away with doing this. Otherwise, she’d be tearing into me and possibly trying to kick my ass. The rest of the club crowded around us to hear what had happened.

“Okay, let me start at the beginning. I know I screwed up when I told Eddie about Ilara and he blabbed to Todd Hamilton. You guys were right to kick me out. I deserved it. However, it just didn’t sit right with me that he now knew where she was. I knew you were afraid he’d come after her. So, I’ve been trying to track him down for weeks. I went to Philly and started there.” I saw shock registering on everyone’s faces, not just Bear’s. Hell, it was written all over mine. He’d left here and went looking for Hamilton. We’d thrown him out, yet he still did it.

“It was time consuming since he tried to stay off the grid and I kept losing him. But then I’d find him. Finally, I realized he’d made it to Hunters Creek. I knew you guys probably wouldn’t want to hear from me, so I’ve been searching the area to find where he was holed up. I heard about him trying to take Ilara. I had narrowed down the area I thought he was in to a ten-mile radius the day before yesterday.”

Tate coughed, so Alex slid a bottle of water across the table to him. He nodded his thanks and took a big drink. “I was going to every structure that even looked like it could hold someone, checking to see if he was there. Then this morning, I found this old, abandoned house out on the 111, as you head toward Spencer. It looked like someone had been there recently, because of fresh tire tracks. I broke in to investigate, and I found her tied up. She was sort of out of it. I think he might have been drugging her. I got her untied, and I asked her where she wanted to go. She told me to take her to you, Bear. I almost shit when she told me that. On the drive, I asked her why she wanted you and she said you're her dad?” He gave Bear a disbelieving look. Bear nodded to indicate it was true.

“Well, shit, who would have thought that. Damn.”

“Can you take us to where you found her? We still need to catch Hamilton,” Bear asked him urgently. Tarin moved in my lap and sat up. She seemed to realize where she was and she gave me a funny look, then she glanced over at Bear. Score one point for me, she didn’t hit me or tell me to let her loose.

“He took me to use as a bargaining chip. He was going to contact you and tell you that he had me. He’d be willing to let me go if you gave him Ilara and Hope. He left to go get something and told me he’d be back.” She whispered like her throat hurt. I saw another bottle of water on the table. I grabbed it and opened it for her. I held it to her lips, so she could take a drink. She gulped it down.

“Honey, we know he took you last night. Tarin, did he... do anything to you, besides drug you?” Bear asked her softly, like he was afraid of what she would do if she talked about it or even remembered. My face hardened, and I fought not to roar. I stiffened my whole body and felt like my head was throbbing and about to explode. I clenched my hands down at my sides, so Tarin wouldn’t see them.

She shook her head. “He didn’t. He told me he was going to come back, and we’d have some time to get to know each other while he waited for you to arrange an exchange. I knew what that meant. He’s sick, Bear. He’s totally convinced that Ilara is his, and that she wants him. She’s just been playing a game. Also, he’s determined to get Hope. Said that you were trying to steal his kid and wife. I told him he was crazy, that Ilara wasn’t his, and she wanted nothing to do with him. He got mad, and that’s when he hit me.” She turned her face. We all could see a dark bruise on her left cheek. I tried not to touch it.

“One more question. What happened when he grabbed you at your hotel?” Bear asked. I knew he was trying to not react to her bruised face.

“I was asleep and suddenly my door was opening. I don’t know how he got in, but he had a card and a way to slip off that security bar thing. I tried to get up and to the bathroom, but he was on me too fast. He stabbed me with a needle and I got woozy and then I was out. I didn’t wake up until he had me at that house. I’m still a little fuzzy.”

“Honey, let’s get you to a doctor. You need to be checked out,” Bear said as he stood up. I knew he wanted her looked at and out of the way while we talked strategy. I did too.

“I’m okay, just dehydrated and needing to shake off this drug. A few bruises and some aches, but I’m fine. You need to go find him. And make sure you have enough guys on Ilara and Hope. I wouldn’t put anything past him, especially when he realizes I’m gone. He’s going to go apeshit.”

Zara came over to Tarin. “Come on, sweetie, I’ll check you out and then I’ll draw some blood. We need to know what he used on you. We can go to my house or one of the rooms here.”

Tarin tried to stand but couldn’t. I helped her to her shaky feet. “You can use my room. I’ll be out here for a while,” I told Tarin. My voice sounded gruff. I stared into her eyes. She blushed and then glanced away. Zara smiled and took her hand and led her down the hall.

As soon as Tarin was out of earshot, Bear spoke, “Get your gear, we’re going on a hunt. He’s out there and I’m finding him today. Send two more guys over to the hospital to keep an eye on my family. I want Tarin to stay here where she’s safe. Will one of you take her to your house?” he asked the other old ladies gathered around us. They all nodded. Tate was quietly watching us with worry in his eyes. He had to be wondering what he was in store for. Bear pointed at him. “You’re coming with us. Show us where you found her.”

He got to his feet. “Sure thing, I can show you exactly where it is. It’s in a really wooded area, so be ready. I have no idea if he’s got any hidey-holes on it or not. I didn’t waste time looking once I found Tarin. She knocked me for a loop.” I saw the admiring look in his eye and heard it in his voice.