“What more can there be? Why the hell were they even in that alley to begin with?” I snapped.

“Bear, she was by her car. You need to see it. Come with me,” he said. He gestured to the back door. I followed him. The others came with us. We walked out the back and around to the alley. I saw a car parked between two buildings. As we got closer, he pulled out a flashlight and shone it on the car. That’s when I saw what he meant.

It was filled with stuff, mainly clothes and boxes. As I got closer, I could see a spot was cleared in the back with blankets in it. It was a tiny spot, just big enough for a toddler. In the front, I could see there was more stuff and a blanket on the passenger seat. My stomach cramped as I realized just what I was seeing. I looked at Ajax. “She’s living in her fucking car!” I roared. He grimaced as he nodded.

“Yeah, it looks like it. Fuck, I didn’t know what else to do, but have Madisen call you, Rebel. We can’t have a fucking woman and her baby living in their car. Anything could happen to them, just like the shit tonight, or worse. I know the women have been trying to find her a job. Now, we know how desperate she is to have one. She doesn’t have anywhere to live. How the hell are they eating? Bathing? Fuck, I can’t even think what else they’re not getting,” he growled.

I let loose the roar that had been building inside of me. As I let it rip through me, I made a decision. She wasn’t spending another fucking second on the streets. I turned and marched back to the bakery. The guys were right on my heels.

“Bear, what’re you gonna do? She’s scared. Don’t scare her more,” Rebel cautioned me. I kept going. As we got inside, I went through to the front. The women looked up at me as I came charging into the dining area. I saw them all get surprised looks on their faces. I went right up to Ilara. She was watching me with an apprehensive look on her face. The bruise on her face made me even angrier.

“Get up, we’re out of here,” I barked.

She gave me a puzzled look. “Where are we going?”

“Not back to sleeping in your fucking car, that’s for sure. You’re coming with me.”

I saw her stiffen. “I’m not going anywhere with you,” she said as she moved away from me. While we’d been gone, Hope had been moved over onto Madisen’s lap. I didn’t think. I just reached out to tug Ilara to her feet and into my arms. I needed to feel her and make sure she was alright. That they hadn’t done more than scare and hit her. Her reaction knocked me for a loop.

She let out a scream and scrambled back, knocking her chair backward onto the floor. She hit the floor then scrambled on her hands and feet away from me. The look of horror on her face gutted me. I heard the women gasp and the guys swear. Hope started crying. I crouched down and held out my hand.

“I’m sorry, baby, I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m just so pissed that you got hurt and that you and Hope are living in your car. Why didn’t you tell us?” I whispered to her. She looked like a frightened animal in a trap. Surely this was too severe of a reaction to me coming at her like I did? What else had happened to her?

She didn’t take my hand. She never took her eyes off me. She didn’t seem to understand what I was saying. When I went to move a little closer, she scrambled back more. Hope’s cries got louder. That was finally what snapped her out of the trance she was in. She scrambled to her feet and ran over to her daughter. She snatched her out of Madisen’s arms and hugged her close.

As I got to my feet, she swung around and took off running for the front door. I swore as I went after her. I had to give it to her, she was fast as hell. I ran after her as she ran down the street toward the alley. She was going for her damn car! Behind me I could hear boots on the pavement.

I cleared the end of the building as she made it halfway to her car. “Ilara, wait, no one’s going to hurt you, baby. Please stop,” I shouted, hoping she’d listen. She never slowed down. I was catching up to her when Ajax came out of the dark and cut her off. He must have gone out the back. She came skidding to a halt when she saw him. She started backing away from him and us. The look of fear on her face made me want to puke.

“I swear to God, Ilara, we’re not trying to hurt you. We just want to help. You can’t go off in your car. It’s not safe for you or Hope to be sleeping in it. You know that. Someone already tried to hurt you tonight. Let us help you,” I pleaded.

She kept shaking her head. Jessica and Madisen came up behind her. She heard them and swung around to face them. She was trying to watch all of us at the same time. “Ilara, honey, it’s okay. Let us help,” Madisen pleaded as well. She had tears in her eyes. I saw Ilara relax a fraction. As Madisen kept murmuring to her, I moved closer. I was almost to her when she swung back to face me.

She screamed and went crazy as I wrapped my arms around her. “I won’t let you do it again. I’ll kill you this time, Todd.” She fought to get away. Hope was wailing in her arms. I didn’t know what to do. If I let go, she would run and probably hurt them both. If I kept a hold of her, she might hurt them both.

I lowered my head and whispered, “I’d never hurt you, Ilara. Please, baby, I’m not Todd. It’s Bear. I’ll never let anyone hurt you again if you’ll let me protect you.” As I said it, I saw her eyes roll in the back of her head and she fainted. Her entire weight sagged in my arms. I looked at Slash, who had come closer.

“Grab the baby. She’s fucking out.” He hurried to get Hope. She was crying and struggling to get to her mother. Madisen came over and took her from him. I looked down at the woman in my arms. What the fuck happened to her and who the hell was Todd?