“I’d say her mid-twenties or so. Why?”

“Are you sure you’re not just attracted because she’s got a young child? I don’t mean any disrespect, Bear. I just know how much you’ve always wanted a family of your own. With this one, you could raise one from almost the start,” he said hesitantly. I got instantly pissed.

“You think I’m only interested because she has a little kid? Jesus Christ, Bull, if that was the case, I could have had a lot of women over the years. Yeah, I want a family, but I’m not so damn desperate I’d pick a woman just because she has a kid young enough for me to raise.” I stood up to go.

He got to his feet and grabbed my arm as I went to leave. “I’m sorry. I just had to put that out there. I don’t want you to get hurt. You’re my oldest friend. I want you to be happy.”

“I know my only chance at a family is to get one already premade. It never mattered what age the kids were, if I could be their father in some way. However, if I met a woman who didn’t have kids and she struck me like Ilara did, I wouldn’t have walked away either. I want to have a special bond like you have with Jocelyn. Where we’re each other’s best friend and rely on each other for everything. Having kids in the mix is a bonus.”

“Okay, I get that. I’m just worried. What if she’s not the one? Or she has someone already? You said she’s looking to leave if she can’t find a job. Where did she come from? Why is she alone?”

“I don’t know all those answers, Bull. I just barely met her. Madisen and the women met her the other day. But I can tell you this, I’m going to find out. If it takes me finding her a job, then that’s what I’ll do. I have to find out if this was just a case of instant attraction, or if it could be more. To do that, I have to keep her here in Hunters Creek. Do you know anyone who’s looking for an employee? I thought of The Dark Angel, but we’re full and I don’t want her waiting tables, anyway. Too many horny guys come in there. They’d be all over her.” I growled, thinking of men getting handsy with her.

He laughed. “Oh shit, you’ve got it bad. Okay, let me think. In the meantime, see if you can find out more about your mystery lady. When are you going to see her again?”

“Tomorrow. She’s supposed to drop by Angel’s Delights after two o’clock. Madisen is supposed to call me when she does. She’s trying to help her find a job too.”

“Good deal. Let me know what happens. I really hope she might be the one, Bear. You deserve someone special.” He gave me a slap on the back before he left. I decided to head to my house. I wasn’t in the mood to socialize tonight. I needed to get to work on finding Ilara a job.