Bear: Chapter 20

I was relieved as hell that our argument last night wasn’t still happening. I still didn’t see it as the same thing she did, but I’d work on it. I wasn’t willing to let her walk out of my life. She and those kids were my family, just like Tarin was if I could get her to see that. That was the other battle right now, along with finding and eliminating Hamilton.

It was eight in the morning and Hope was awake. We were watching a cartoon with her when my cell phone rang. I saw it was Outlaw. He must have gone to Tarin’s early to talk. I answered it quickly. “How did it go, Outlaw?”

“Bear, we have a problem. She’s not here.”

“What do you mean she’s not there? Where did she go?” I asked him stupidly.

“I don’t know, but I don’t like it. Her car is still here. There doesn’t appear to be any of her stuff missing that I can tell. Her suitcases are in the closet. However, I think she left in a hurry. A lamp was knocked over and broken by the door in her hotel room.”

“Shit, did you ask the front desk if she left?”

“I did. Hank said she hadn’t checked out. They’re pulling up security videos from yesterday and last night. Maybe I can catch her on it and see how she left, who with or which way she went. She did say she was leaving the week before Christmas, right?”

Ilara was listening to my end of the conversation with a deep frown on her face. “Baby, Tarin is gone. It wasn’t until the week before Christmas that she said she was going out of town, wasn’t she?”

“Yeah, that’s what she said. Why do you think she left early, Bear? Do you think I said something to upset her?” Ilara was looking upset now.

“Beloved, I don’t think so. Outlaw’s looking at some videos at the hotel. We’ll find her.” I rubbed her back as I said it. My stomach was cramping. I was getting a bad feeling about this. Where had she gone and why?

“Let me call you back, Bear. The manager has the video. I’m going to look at it. Thank goodness he knows us and said he’d let me look. Hacking would have taken time. Talk to you in a bit.” He hung up.

For the next half hour, I paced Hope’s room and then the hallway when I became too distracting for Hope. I made Ilara stay with her. I was in the hall talking to Tiger and Thorn. Even though I was there, they were doing two guys every time since I could have to leave unexpectedly. I’d told them what was going on with my daughter.

“Damn, you have an adult daughter you never knew about? That’s some fucked-up shit, Bear,” Tiger told me.

“I know. If Carol was still alive, I’d have to work hard not to strangle the bitch. I lost the first twenty-five years of my daughter’s life because of her. Now, I still might not get to have her in mine.”

“Hey, don’t worry, Outlaw will find her. If not, we have others to help. Just let them work,” Thorn told me softly, as he clapped me on the back.

My phone rang. I fumbled to get it out of my pocket. I saw it was Outlaw. I answered it with a bark. “What did you find out?”

“Bear, are you with any of the guys?”

“I’m outside Hope’s room with Thorn and Tiger, why?” What the hell did that matter?

“I want you to remain calm. You’re in the hospital.”

“Tell me what you found, Outlaw, or so help me, I’ll fucking strangle you,” I growled. Tiger and Thorn gave each other concerned looks as they moved closer to me. They were listening to the call now since I flipped it to the speaker phone.

“Around two last night, the security video shows a car pulling up outside her room. A man went in and a few minutes later he came out carrying what looks like an unconscious Tarin.” I swore. He continued quickly. “Bear, the man’s face was caught on the video. I’m ninety-five percent sure it’s Todd Hamilton,” he told me in a rush.

I let out a roar. Tiger and Thorn both grabbed me to keep me from going on a rampage. Nurses and doctors were looking at me in concern and with censor. A few seconds later, Hope’s door opened and Ilara rushed out. She came straight to me as I held out my arm. She hugged me. “What is it, Bear?”

“He has my daughter! Todd Hamilton kidnapped my fucking daughter,” I whispered. Her face went pale and she started to shake. Her hand came up to cover her mouth and tears gathered in her eyes.

“Oh my God, I’m so sorry, Bear. Oh God, it’s all my fault. If I hadn’t involved you, if I hadn’t stayed here, none of this would have happened. I should have gone with him that day in the courtyard. He’s doing this to punish you for protecting me,” she sobbed. I had to use my one arm to hold up her sagging body as she sobbed. Tiger took the phone out of my hand.

“Tell us what you’re planning to do, Outlaw. Any idea where he took her?”

“No, but I’m going to head back to the compound and tap into some of the cameras around town to see if I can find out. Bear, I know you want to handle this, but you need to let me. Ilara and Hope need you there. I’ll find her. As soon as I know something, I’ll call you.”

Ilara was shaking her head. “No, you go and find her. We’ll be fine here with Tiger and Thorn. Tarin needs you more. You have to find her, before he…” she broke off sobbing again. I knew she was remembering him raping her. If that motherfucker touched my daughter, I’d make him suffer for days before he died the most painful death.

“Baby, we won’t stop until we find her. I promise. Outlaw, you get back to the compound. I’ll be there soon.”

He told me goodbye. I hugged Ilara. “Baby, I’m going to go see if I can help. These two will stay here and I’ll be back as soon as I can.”