I could see this was going to get out of hand. I put my hand on Bear’s arm. He was tense. “Honey, please, I don’t want you guys fighting. I’m sorry you got talked to, Tate. That wasn’t my intention.”

“Oh no, you just act like you’re so much better than you are. Why don’t you tell them how you tried to get a guy in Philadelphia in trouble, by crying rape when he didn’t do anything to you? Huh, does Bear know about that?” Tate yelled. I gasped and stepped back. I felt sick to my stomach. Bear roared and tried to go after Tate, but Payne beat him to it. He grabbed Tate and had him pinned to the wall.

“I wanna know how in the fuck you heard that?” Payne growled. Tate tried to work his way loose, but Payne had him in a hold he couldn’t break. I felt dizzy and couldn’t get in enough air. The room seemed to be closing in on me. Bear came over and wrapped me in his arms. Maverick was holding Hope, who started to cry when the yelling started. He gave her to Devyn, who’d come in the door. She turned and left with her without saying a word.

“My buddy, Eddy, knows the guy. He’s a successful businessman in Philly. She worked for his company until one day, she told the cops the guy had raped her. Todd was with a friend that night thank God, so the cops didn’t arrest him. She got up and left after that didn’t work. I bet she moved somewhere else and did the same thing! Women like her do that shit. They ruin guys’ lives and don’t give a damn,” Tate shouted. Hearing him say Todd had been wrongfully accused set me off. I tore myself out of Bear’s arms and marched over to Tate. By now, the common room was filling up with people who were getting off work. I got right in his face.

“You think I made up the fact that a man I trusted grabbed me from behind in our office when everyone was gone and raped me? That I imagined being grabbed and then knocked out and when I came to, I was stripped naked and on a conference room table with a man inside of me? You think I made up that after he got done raping me and telling me he knew I wanted it, that he tied me to a chair while he rested, so he could do it all over again. Or that the same man had a buddy lie for him and then stalked me, calling to warn me he was going to get me. You’re damn right I ran. I got as far away as I could get. I haven’t “played this rape card” on anyone else. I haven’t let a man near me, except Bear. So you can go fuck yourself, Tate. You can believe what you want. I know what happened,” I screamed as I let my hand fly and I slapped his face.

As soon as I made contact, I turned and vomited on the floor. I heard swearing and then arms were lifting me up. Bear was looking down at me with pain in his eyes along with fury. I closed my eyes. I couldn’t deal with anything right now. I wanted to disappear. I’d told my dirty secret to everyone in his club. I couldn’t stay now.

Bear strolled out of the clubhouse. He walked all the way to his house. When he got there, he took me up to our room and laid me on the bed. I rolled over and curled into a ball. He went into the bathroom then came back with a glass of water and a wet washcloth. “Here, baby, take a drink and you can use this.” I did as he asked, then closed my eyes again.

“I’m so damn sorry. Shit, I had no idea he knew someone who knew Todd. Figure the odds. I’ll set this shit straight. What can I do for you?”

“You can leave me alone.”

“No, I’m not, Ilara. You don’t need to be alone right now.”

“Yes, I do. Please. I can’t take you watching me. I need to sleep and then we can talk. Please, leave me alone for a while,” I pleaded with him. We argued for another five minutes until finally he gave in. He kissed my cheek and said he’d be back. He had to go talk to Tate. I didn’t say a word. I watched as he left, then I got up and started packing what I needed. I was taking Hope and leaving. I couldn’t face all of them knowing and judging me like Tate. I couldn’t.