Ilara: Chapter 9

The last week had been such a whirlwind that I had a headache. Everyone in the compound seemed intent on making me feel welcome. The old ladies invited me to their houses for chat sessions. They were planning a spa day soon and insisted I had to come. I was smothered with babies, which I loved.

Bear had taken me to the clubhouse, despite my protests. He introduced me to every single one of his brothers and the prospects I hadn’t met. Tate wasn’t there when he did. All the guys were very nice to me. They chatted about where I grew up and what I liked the most about Tennessee. They told me a little about themselves and how long they’d been in the club. They shared what they did and which businesses they ran. One night, they even were asking me what to do to ensure they had their HR in order.

A part of me loved it. I wanted them to like me. But another part thought it was because Bear had told them to do it. If it was fake and they believed what Tate did, it wouldn’t work in the long run. With that in mind, I tried not to get closer to Bear, which was turning into an impossible task. He took every opportunity to touch me—just passing touches, never anything inappropriate or offensive. He hugged me or held me close whenever we were together. He kissed me until I thought I’d melt.

My body was about to explode. I was so aroused by him. At night, we slept in the same bed and I wanted to take things further—as in trying to see if we could have sex, but I kept that locked down. If I had sex with him, that would be it. I’d never be able to recover if I had to leave. He was winning my heart with how he treated me and my daughter. Hope was already in love with him. Her face lit up every time she saw him. She’d run to him and hold out her arms for him to pick her up. I had to make a decision. Tomorrow was the end of the one week I had given him. What should I do?

Bear had to go to The Angel today and work. He’d tried to get me to come with him and I told him I wanted to stay here. He left after kissing me several times and making me promise to call him if I needed anything. So far, he’d texted me three times to check on me.

Hope’s cry let me know she was needing a diaper change. We were trying to play at getting her to go to the bathroom. She was young to potty train, but she seemed like she wanted to do it. She’d started taking off her diaper and trying to sit on the toilet. It was too tall, so Bear had bought her a toddler one to use. She thought it was the best thing ever.

When I got to her, I realized it was more than her diaper, she was fussing and drooling. I felt in her mouth and realized another tooth was breaking through. Her little gums were swollen and inflamed. I got her changed and then checked her diaper bag. That’s when I realized, I didn’t have any Orajel for her. As she fussed, I decided to go to town and pick some up. I had my car. I knew Bear would do it, but he wasn’t supposed to be back until five o’clock. She couldn’t wait and I didn’t want him to have to stop work and run it back here.

None of the other babies on the compound were big enough to be cutting teeth yet. Their moms wouldn’t have any Orajel. I hurried and got Hope into my car and I headed toward the gate. When I got there, it began to open on its own. Bear had told me it did that unless they shut it off. Anyone coming in had to have a remote or someone had to open it for them. It was part of their security. I wasn’t sure who they were worried might come after them, but I didn’t ask.

I groaned when I saw Tate come out of the small building they had by the gate. He came over to the car and stood expectantly there. I reluctantly rolled down my window. I hadn’t seen him since last Saturday. I looked at him but didn’t say a word.

“Where’re you off to Ilara?” he asked. He wasn’t smiling, but he wasn’t sounding mean or anything.

“Hope needs something from the drugstore. I won’t be gone long.” I don’t know why I said that. It wasn’t any of his business how long I was gone.

“You know, one of us can run and get whatever she needs. You don’t need to do it.”

“Thank you, but I’m more than capable of taking care of it. She’s my daughter. No one said I wasn’t allowed to leave the compound,” I told him as I stared at him hard. I heard him sigh.

“Ilara, I’m not saying you can’t leave. I just wanted you to know we’d be glad to get whatever you need. I know we got off on the wrong foot last week. I didn’t mean for you to hear that.”

“No, you just meant to say it behind my back. I don’t know you and you don’t know me. I don’t need you passing judgment on me. You have no idea what I’ve been through. However, I don’t appreciate you putting thoughts like you did into Bear’s head. Despite what you think of me, I’m not using him or anyone else. He asked me to stay for a week, that’s up tomorrow. Who knows, maybe you’ll get your wish and I’ll leave.” His face registered shock. I didn’t stay to hear more. I hit the gas and went out the gate. It had opened while we were talking. I turned toward town and sped away.

It wasn’t that long of a drive. When I pulled into the drugstore, Hope was really starting to fuss. Her little chin was wet with drool. I had a bib around her neck to catch it. I hurried with her inside and found the aisle I needed. I went to the aisle to grab some tampons and then to the register. I was just paying for my purchases when I heard a man’s voice that had me turning around in shock.

Back in the pharmacy area, I could see a man at the counter. The clerk had called out his name right before he answered. She called him Clint Doudna. I grabbed my change and ran out to my car. I got Hope inside and sat in the back with her, as I put the gel on her gums. I never took my eyes off the door to the drugstore. Five minutes later, it opened and out walked the man from the pharmacy. I could see his face now. I shivered as I saw a face I’d never forget. It was him—one of the guys from the alley. I took out my phone and dialed Bear without thinking. He answered immediately.

“Hey, baby, what do you need?”

“Donovan, I’m at the drugstore in town.”

“Baby, why’re you in town? If you needed something, you should have told me.”

“Never mind that. I saw him.”

“Saw who?”

“One of the men who attacked me in the alley. He was in there getting a prescription. His name is Clint Doudna.”

“Jesus Christ, are you kidding me? Where are you? Are you and Hope safe?” he half-yelled. I could hear noise in the background like he was moving around.

“I’m fine. We’re in the car. The doors are locked. He didn’t see me. He’s getting into a gray car, it looks like a Ford Explorer, I think.”

“Babe, can you see the license plate?” I squinted and then I saw it. I quickly rattled it off to him. The car was pulling out of the parking lot.

“He’s leaving, what do you want me to do?”

“I want you to stay there. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Stay in the locked car, Ilara. Don’t follow him. Call me if he comes back, do you understand?”

“Yes, I understand, Donovan. I’m sorry. I overreacted. I shouldn’t have called you. There’s no need to come here. I’ll go back to the house.” I felt bad because he thought he had to run over and soothe me.