“No, we didn’t need to. He was already part of the organization. He did it gladly. Then we waited to see if you’d go. I was sweating it thinking you wouldn’t. Then something happened and you did.” I looked at Zara. She was remembering the photo of me and Lucky. Goddamn, that photo had been a nightmare for more than one reason.

“What were they supposed to do after they got her? Keep her and ransom the others?” Bull asked him.

“They were going to sell her off to another guy, and the others would be ransomed back.”

“You thought it was okay to sell her as a sex slave?” I yelled as I tried to get to him. Zara held me back. Then she turned back to him and kicked him in the balls. He screamed and whimpered.

“That’s for being such a suck-ass human being. Who was the doctor already in the organization?” she snarled. I hated to admit it, but this side of her was turning me on. She was a badass. He mutely shook his head and held his junk. She didn’t hesitate. She went for the nipple again. The room rang with his cries and pleading. It was all we could do to stop laughing.

She let go and stood with her hands on her hips, tapping her foot. He looked at her with tears running down his face. “It was Dr. Cash.” We all blinked in surprise.

“Dr. Cash, my intern, is the doctor who was supposed to go?” she asked him incredulously.

He nodded. “Yeah, his family has ties to the Nunez cartel family. He was working for me as an intern for a while. That’s how I got involved with their… trade. When I told them I wanted to stop, they said I couldn’t. That I needed to be punished for trying it. I needed to think fast. Then I remembered your uncle. I told them what I knew, and they said they’d check it out. I swear, I didn’t think they’d find you. Then, a few months later, Cash came around and told me they had everything in motion. He explained what they were going to do. I prayed you wouldn’t go, Zara.”

“But you never once thought to contact her yourself or warn her. You still had her uncle’s number, I bet. You had to in order to give it to them. You could have called him,” I snarled. I clenched my fists at my side to keep from strangling him. What a fucking coward.

“They had my phones and my house tapped. I knew they were watching me. I couldn’t. When I heard about the kidnapping, it killed me. And then there was the news that the doctors had been rescued, but one had been killed. I waited to hear who. That’s when mutual people started talking about Ted dying. I went to Leslie to find out where you were. She didn’t tell me, but one of the others you’d talked to did. I was told to find out who rescued you. Nunez is pissed. He lost a big chunk of his men. He wants the ones who rescued you dead.”

This time I didn’t hold back. I yanked him up off the floor and slammed him against the wall. The photos on it shook. “What were you supposed to do when you got the information? How were you to communicate it back to them?”

“I-I was supposed to call a number they gave me,” he sputtered. Payne reached into Nathan’s pockets and finally pulled out his phone. “What’s the code?”

“Try nine-nine-one. He was always too lazy to change it,” Zara said. Payne typed away, then nodded. We were in.

“Which number is it?”

“The one under emergency contact.”

I dropped him. “Take his ass out to the Cellar. We’ll finish dealing with him later.” Payne handed the phone to Outlaw. Slash dragged a protesting Nathan away. I wrapped Zara up in my arms.

“You did good, baby. Interesting interrogation technique.” I laughed. She smiled. Payne barked out between his laughs.

“I never knew a nipple crippler could be such an effective interrogation method. I’ll have to add it to mine,” he joked. Then he and Slash jerked Nathan out the door. Zara laughed and shook her head.

“He never could stand anyone touching his nipples. I knew he wouldn’t be able to stand them being twisted.”

I nuzzled her hair by her ear. “You can touch my nipples or anything else all you want. Maybe not twist them off, but you can play,” I whispered. She gave me a kiss.

“Alright, you two, we have work to do. Let’s get shit done. Zara, your uncle will be here soon. We want all of you to stay here in the clubhouse. We expect they’ll strike sometime after midnight. I’d appreciate it if you’d help Jocelyn with the twins,” Bull asked her.

“Of course, Bull. I’d be happy to. Let’s get this show on the road.” The rest of us followed her out the door. Time to get ready to go to war.