Chapter 26: Demon

We’d been in church making calls to Terror, the Marauders, and Anderson. Terror and Jinx said they’d be on their way as soon as they got their shit together. Anderson was royally pissed when I called him to update him on what had happened today and what we found out.

“Are you fucking serious? They tried to take you out on the highway? Why didn’t you call me sooner? I can have some men there within two hours for added security. That’s my only family they’re screwing with. Tell me the plan.”

I told him what the three amigos had told us. I heard a lot of swearing and promises of vengeance for even thinking of touching her. I was liking Uncle Tommy more and more, though I made sure never to call him that to his face.

“Okay. Let me think. I can have a few guys there in two hours. I’ll let you know when and who. I’m stuck here for a while, but I’ll get there as soon as I can. I’ll make it before the midnight check-in. You got Terror’s guys and the Marauders coming, you said. Good. Make sure you lock her down good and tight. She may try and do something about it herself,” he warned me.

“She had already said something about getting you to take her someplace where she wouldn’t endanger the club.”

“I could do that.”

“Over my dead body. She stays with me. I can’t have her out of my sight again,” I growled. He chuckled.

“We have a panic room here that we plan to put the women and babies in when the time comes. We have no idea how big of a force he’ll hit us with. He has to be down a lot after the two camps were decimated by us.”

“Don’t underestimate the lure of cash. He probably has hired some mercs. I want to know who it is he’s teaching the lesson to and the person who gave up Zara and lured her to Mexico. How did he or she lure her there?” he mused.

“Me too. We’ll let you know if anything changes, otherwise, we’ll wait to hear from you,” Bull told him before we disconnected the call.

We’d barely hung up when there was a knock at the door. No one should be interrupting unless it was important. Slash hustled to open the door. Tate stood there looking nervous. “Come in. What do you need that’s so important you interrupt church, prospect?” Tank barked at him.

“Sorry. I didn’t know what else to do. Jocelyn told me to come tell you,” he said to the room at large. Then he looked at me. “That doctor dude is back. He’s at the gate, carrying on about how he has to see Zara. He refuses to leave until he does. I need to know how you want him handled. Ignore him, beat his ass, or call the law?”

I stood up quickly. “I’ll go talk to the son of a bitch. I told him not to come near her again.”

Bull held up his hand. “Don’t go yet. Let’s let him stew just a bit more, then I want him brought in here. Let’s see how the doctor likes our interrogation. He knows more than he’s saying. Do you think he had anything to do with Zara getting kidnapped?”

“Shit, I don’t know. Did we find out anything yet about whether he’s doing anything illegal at that clinic of his?” I asked Outlaw.

“Not a whole lot, but he does seem to have ninety percent of his patients being Medicare age. His billing for procedures is crazy. My gut says he’s committing fraud, but how does that tie him to the Nunez cartel? They deal in drugs, guns, and prostitution. I haven’t heard a word about Medicare fraud.”

“What if that’s not all he’s doing? What if he’s dealing other drugs out of his office? The kind you don’t need a script for,” Tate added. We all looked at him surprised. We’d forgotten he was still standing there. His idea had a lot of merit if it was true.

“Tate, good thought. Go back out to the gate. Make him wait for say twenty minutes?” I glanced around the room. All of them nodded. “Then escort his ass in here.”

“Yes, sir,” Tate said as he turned on his heel and hurried out. Slash closed the door.

“I think he’s going to make a good brother. Needs a bit more seasoning, but he’s got what it takes,” Tank said proudly.

“After this is over, we need to talk about patching him and Jake. It’s time,” Bull said as an afterthought. Something for us to get done after we cleaned this up.

“How do you want to approach this with him, Demon?” Payne asked. He was still on his high from torturing those other three.

“I’m going to confront him as if we know what he’s doing. I’m not going to ask. Let’s see how he reacts.”

“I like it. Here are a few facts you might want to throw in, so he knows we’ve been in his business,” Outlaw said with a grin on his face. He pushed a piece of paper across the table. I whistled at the amount he had noted.

“After we deal with him, let’s get geared up, and the women and kids settled here. May need to bring some things from your houses. It’s seven o’clock now. We need to get it done. Terror should be here in two hours. Same for Jinx,” Bull added.

“Sounds like a plan. We all have our assignments. Let’s get this done. Who wants a beer while we wait for doctor shithead?” Joker quipped. We all laughed and held up our hands. The bastard reached under the table and started to hand out beers. He’d snuck in a cooler. Good idea. I popped my bottle open.

We relaxed until it was time for Nathan to be brought to us. I glanced at Bull. “You think we should involve Zara in any of this? She might be able to tell us something since she knows him the best or make him fuck up.”

He frowned as he thought about it. A minute later he nodded. “Go get her. Tell her we plan to question him and want her to watch him for clues. We’ll do the talking.”

I got up and went out to find her. She was where I left her, sitting with the ladies. I went over. “Baby, we need you in church.” She looked surprised. “We’re going to be talking to Nathan. We want you to watch him. You know his tells and if he’s lying. If you see anything, just whisper it to me. We don’t want you to talk.”