“I promise they’ll only be for you guys. Now, I know you guys have a lot to discuss. Go get it done. I’ll stay here. Anything you need us to do?”

“Yeah, make sure you stay together, don’t go outside, and if you hear anything weird or suspicious, don’t wait. Get your asses in the panic room and lock the door. Things are going to get messy, Zara. I won’t lie. But we’ll get through it. Just keep yourself safe.” He leaned into me and kissed me deeply, then he was up, and the guys headed to church.

When they were gone, I looked at the other ladies. They were all sitting around, hugging their little ones. I took Caeden from Jocelyn, so she only had to hold Corinne. Devyn rocked Hayden. Jess held a sleeping Kiara while Madisen fed Moira. Seeing them, I prayed that nothing would happen to them. I ached to be sitting here with them, holding Demon and my baby.

“You’ve got it, don’t you?” Devyn asked with a smile on her face.

“Got what?”

“You’ve got the baby bug. I know that look. Though I was surprised about my pregnancy, I couldn’t wait to find out what we were having and for him to be here. Same for Mom, Jess, and Mad. You and Demon are going to make some gorgeous babies together.”

“Actually, I was just thinking how much I want to be sitting here with all of you, holding our baby. Any child of Demon’s will be a heartbreaker.”

“Not just Demon, Zara. You’re a beautiful woman. Stunning. Those kids will have super genes. Make sure you have lots of guns. That’s what Rebel said when he found out we were having Moira.” Madisen laughed.

“Bull did the same thing when he found out about Corinne. Remember, he’s been down this road already with Harlow, and he has his granddaughter, Emmie, to worry about on top of it. He says it’s making him old.” Jocelyn chuckled. That was hilarious. Bull was smoking for a man in his fifties. No way anyone would consider that silver fox old.

“Ajax and Rebel got together on the gun thing when he found out about Kiara too,” Jess chimed in. The conversation was a mood relaxer for us. We sat and chatted about babies. Then I told them my idea to have some kind of treatment room set up here in the clubhouse. Jocelyn told me that she was sure Bull would go for it.

We got to talking about my job at the hospital. “Don’t get me wrong, I love the ER. But the hours can be killer. I’d love to do something with an urgent care clinic. A place people can go other than to the ER for non-emergency yet urgent care needs. I’m going to have to make a decision soon. The hospital administration is pressuring me to come back or take an indefinite leave, which wouldn’t guarantee me a job.”

“Yeah, Bull said the club was looking into doing that,” Jocelyn said casually. I looked at her stunned.

“They’re what?”

“Oh, damn, I didn’t know that you didn’t know about it. Maybe Demon meant it as a surprise. Don’t tell them I let the cat out of the bag. I guess Demon approached the club about co-owning a clinic. They liked the idea. They did the same thing with the bakery and Madisen,” she explained hastily.

“Jocelyn, I’m flattered they would consider it. But I don’t expect them to finance it just because I’m with Demon. I’ll have enough money to do it in another couple of years.”

“They wouldn’t do it just because of Demon. They would do it because it serves the community and is a sound investment,” Jess added. “You know, Zara, I have a freaking fortune that I don’t know what to do with. It funds the abuse haven. I’d love to help get a clinic open,” she told me excitedly.

“That’s your money, Jess.”

“And I choose to share it with worthy causes. I don’t need it all. Seriously, we need to talk. How soon could you get a place up and running if you had the capital?” Her questions had us all musing aloud. I could feel excitement growing. Could I really be looking at having a clinic in the next six months? It didn’t seem possible.

It was while we were chatting about it that Tate came barreling into the common room. He’d been at the gate. I jumped up. “What’s wrong, Tate?”

“They still in church?” I nodded. “Damn, that doctor guy is back, and he’s demanding he see you. He’s refusing to leave until he does. I need to know what the guys want me to do—ignore him, run him off, or call the law.”

I looked at the other ladies. They’d been here longer and knew how the guys would react to church being interrupted for this. A part of me wanted to just go tell him to get lost myself, but Demon had told me not to go outside.

“Go knock and let them know,” Jocelyn told him. As Bull’s old lady, she had authority here even with the prospects it seemed. Tate nodded and rushed down the hall. I couldn’t wait to see what they did.