Chapter 3: Demon

It was almost ten when the Warriors and the Marauders pulled onto Zara’s street. We parked outside on the street instead of in her driveway. I watched as Jinx got off his bike. A huge part of me wanted to protest him being the one going to her door, but he’d been the one to invite her. I wasn’t still a hundred percent certain he wasn’t interested in her, but I was at least willing to give him a chance. If he proved my suspicions right, I’d burn his fucking ass.

The front door opened and out came a stunned-looking Zara. I could tell she was shocked to see all of us. Her eyes widened, but that was secondary to the sight of her and what it did to me. She was dressed in tight jeans again. She had on boots that went up to her knees. Her top was a tight t-shirt with an eagle on the front. On top of it, she had on a leather jacket. My mouth watered to taste her, and my hands itched to run all over her body. The caveman inside of me wanted to throw her over my shoulder and take her back inside, where I’d make love to her until neither of us knew our names. My cock grew stiff in my jeans.

Jinx greeted her and walked her down the sidewalk. He at least knew better than to hold her hand. When they got closer, I held out my hand to her. She looked at me with a puzzled look.

“You’re riding with me, Zara.” No way was she getting on Jinx’s or anyone else’s bike. She was mine, and I wanted her on the back of my bike. It was another primitive thing.

“I thought I was riding with Jinx,” she stated while she cast him a questioning look.

He smiled. “Sorry, beautiful. Demon needs to be the one you ride with. My seat isn’t exactly comfortable for a second rider.” She looked at his seat. He hadn’t lied. It wasn’t the most comfortable thing, whereas mine was made for two. I changed it out a few months ago. At the time, I had no idea why I wanted to do it. Now, I knew it was all in preparation for Zara. The universe must have known I was going to find her soon. She took a deep breath and laid her hand in mine.

I held out a helmet for her with my other hand. I’d gone out to get it for her earlier this morning. She looked surprised but took it and put it on. I checked to be sure it was tight enough on her. Then I held her hand as she held onto my shoulder with her other hand and swung herself up behind me. As she settled on the seat, I reached an arm back and tugged her hips toward me until they were tight against my back and ass. I wanted to groan at the contact. The thought that her breasts and pussy were only separated from my skin by our clothes made my cock even harder. I heard her gasp. I grasped her arms and wrapped them snug around my waist.

“Hold on tight, baby. Have you ever been on a bike before?”

“No, I haven’t.”

“Hold on to me and keep close to my back. When we go into turns, lean with me. Make sure you lean the same amount as I do. Don’t worry, you’ll feel when it’s right. Don’t be afraid, I won’t let anything happen to you.” She gave me a slight smile. Seeing she was settled, everyone restarted their bikes and the cars carrying the ladies and kids. We headed across town to our restaurant. It was a ten-minute excursion. I was kind of disappointed.

The feel of Zara on the bike and holding on to me was perfect. I wanted to take her out on a long ride—one where we’d just ride and enjoy the day. Maybe I could talk her into going on one after breakfast.

After we found spots and parked, I helped her swing off. She took off her helmet as I got situated. She had a big grin on her face. I smiled back at her. “By the look on your face, I take it you liked riding?”

“I hate to say yes, but I did. When you work in the ER like I do, all you ever see is when things go wrong. It’s horrible to see someone come in hurt badly from going down on one of these. Lots of time, it’s not the rider who was at fault. It’s the inattentive drivers in cars and trucks.”

“True. Many don’t pay attention. That’s why I like the loud pipes. It gets attention. They know I’m close and it makes people look around to see where I am. Now, are you ready to go have breakfast? I’m starved. How about you?” I took her hand and walked toward the door. I didn’t let go. I wanted it to be apparent to anyone seeing us, she was with me.

Inside, we were seated by the hostess, she was new. I could see her checking out me and the others. This wouldn’t help her position. She looked like one of those women who was out to score with a biker or several. She had an almost hungry look in her eyes. Maybe one of my brothers or the Marauders would take her up on what she was offering. I just knew it wouldn’t be me. I had what I wanted.

When we sat down, I made sure Zara was sitting beside me. Much to my chagrin, Jinx sat on the other side of her. When he saw me glaring at him, the bastard winked. I ignored his ass as our waitress took our orders for drinks. With everyone, including the babies, we were a huge group of over thirty. Thankfully, the main Sunday rush was over until lunchtime. The various church crowds would be in here soon after their sermons were over. I leaned over to Zara.

“Do you know what you’re going to order?”

“Not really. I’ve been here a few times. Everything is really good. I’m trying to decide whether I should stick to what I already tried or try something new.”

“Is there anything you don’t like or any food allergies?” I asked, not only so I could make suggestions but also so I could learn more about her.

“No allergies. I tend not to be a big meat eater, though I’m not vegetarian or vegan.”

“Why don’t you try their shepherd’s pie? It has some meat in it, but it’s great. I’ve had it more than once, and it has never disappointed me.”

She nodded in interest. “What’re you getting?”

“A nice juicy burger.” She laughed. “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing, just how stereotypical of a guy. Complete carnivores. Let me guess, steak and baked potato is your favorite meal.”

“Not my favorite, but it’s up there. Can’t help that I’m this way. It’s what a manly man eats,” I teased as I flexed my biceps. She laughed harder. I didn’t get to respond to her laughing because our waitress chose that moment to come back to take our orders. I was happy to see Zara take my recommendation. When everyone had placed their orders, I turned back to her. I was about to ask her something else when Jinx beat me to it.

“So, beautiful, tell me how in the hell you became a doctor? You don’t look old enough to be one. No offense.”

“No offense taken. Thank you. I just always liked helping people and animals. Even when I was little. When I was ten, one of my best friends got cancer. It was terrible to watch, and I knew then I wanted to be like the doctors who helped her. I’m not that young. I’m twenty-nine. I did a lot of dual-enrolled classes in high school which gave me college credits. When I graduated, I had close to a couple of years done. Another year gave me the three years I needed to get into medical school. Then four years of it and three years of residency. I became a full-fledged doctor three years ago.”

“Why ER medicine?” I asked her.

“Because it’s always fast paced, and you get to see a lot of different things. I found when I went through medical school rotations that’s what I enjoyed the most. I wouldn’t mind running an urgent care clinic either. There just wasn’t one here when I moved to Hunters Creek two years ago.”