“If that’s as soon as I can get you as my wife, then I’ll take it. Why don’t you ladies work on it while you’re cooped up here with nothing to do. In fact, why don’t we call your uncle and let him know our news and see if he has an update for us?” She nodded and stood up. I led her to my room. When we got inside, I spent a couple of minutes just kissing her senseless. When I felt she was nice and relaxed, I sat us down on the bed and pulled out her phone. I dialed his number, and he answered on the third ring.

“What’s up with my favorite niece?”

“I’m your only niece, Tommy. I have you on speaker with Demon.”

“Hey, Demon, is everything alright?” he asked with an edge of worry in his voice.

“Everything is fine. We just wanted to call and see if you’d heard anything new?”

“Damn it, not much. We’re still trying to figure out where this guy went. We did find out his name, Javier Nunez. He’s the actual head of the Nunez Mafia family. They’re a smaller cartel there, but they’ve been on the rise ever since he took over five years ago when his dad died. He and a couple of cousins were running the show. The two of them were killed when you raided their camps. He’s dropped off the face of the earth. That worries me. We still don’t know why he targeted Zara and the other doctors. They weren’t the first to be there, and they never bothered the others. Why her group?”

“Do you think it has anything to do with her or one of the other doctors?”

“My gut says it does, but I don’t know why. For now, stay safe at the compound, Zara. Is that what you called me about?”

“No, not the only thing. I was wondering if you could come for a visit at the end of August.”

“August? Why? Is there something special going on I don’t know about?”

“Well, not sure if you think it’s special, but we do. Demon and I are getting married, and we plan to do it then if all things align,” she told him sweetly with a grin on her face. He was silent for a moment or two.

“Shit, married you say? Well, I don’t know, Zara. He didn’t ask me if he could marry you. I might have to say no just on principle.” I could hear the laughter in his voice.

I growled. “Listen, you bastard, you know damn well I asked you before you left. I told you I’d be asking her soon. You had your chance to say no. You didn’t, so now you’re out of luck. Don’t make me come find your ass in Virginia.”

“Ha, like you could find me. I’m like a ghost. I guess I do vaguely remember you saying something along those lines. I just hope she knows what she’s getting into. Those Warriors are a pain in the ass and always in trouble, Z.”

“I know, Uncle Tommy. That’s why I’m marrying him. To help keep him out of trouble.” She gave a shriek of laughter as I attacked her neck. I heard him groan.

“Don’t be doing that and making her squeal. All I can imagine is what you’re doing to her. It’s not right. No uncle needs those thoughts in his head. Sweetheart, I’d love to be there. You tell me when and I’ll make it happen.”

“And will you walk me down the aisle?”

“I’d be honored to do it,” he said in a choked-up voice. I decided to take pity on him.

“We’ll let you go. Call us if you hear anything else. We’ll do the same. Later.”

“Bye, you two. Talk soon. Love you, Zara.”

“Love you too, Tommy.” She disconnected the phone. I hugged her.

“Well, now you can’t back out. Your uncle is onboard. We have to get married. If you try to weasel out, I’ll have to sue you for breach of contract.”

“Oh, really? Come here, stud. I’ll show you weaseling out.”

We spent the next couple of hours making love and napping. Around nine, I went out to find something to eat. We hadn’t had anything to eat since our picnic. Maverick was sitting at the bar when I came out. He looked up and raised his beer. I went over and sat down beside him.

“What are you doing out here all alone? No lady to keep you company tonight?”

“Nah, I don’t feel like company.”

“Is there something wrong?”

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Sure, ask away.”

“How did you know Zara was the one for you? I mean, really know that it was more than a physical attraction?”