“Then I can stay with her.”

“No, you can’t. I’ll explain on the way. Just come with us, Zara. I’d hate to have to force you to come,” he threatened. My uncle had never threatened me. I swallowed the knot in my throat.

“Okay, but I need to get my things.”

“Leave them. We’ll get them later. We need to go,” Demon stated. They let me give Leslie a quick hug and kiss and then we were out the door and hustled into a dark SUV. I settled in the back. Demon sat right beside me. My uncle was in front with Gabe. He looked back at me.

“When we get to the compound, I’ll explain. Just try to rest, Zara.” I didn’t say a word. I turned my head away from him and closed my eyes. I guess I was going to be told what to do like I was a witless wonder. Screw them. I didn’t want to talk to them anyway.

I felt a light caress on my cheek. “Hellion, just be patient. I know you’re upset. We’ll discuss it. We just want you safe. Then you and I need to talk,” Demon whispered. I shrugged and didn’t open my eyes. It was a tense and quiet ride back to Hunters Creek.


She kept her eyes closed the whole way back, not saying another word. I could feel the tension and anger coming off her in waves. I didn’t know what to say or do to break it. Seeing her had hit me like a ton of bricks. She looked so beautiful and so tired. The last few days had worn on her. Then to find out Anderson was her goddamn uncle. He had some damn explaining to do.

We pulled into the compound around five that evening. We’d barely stopped outside the clubhouse when Zara threw open the door and jumped out. She stomped into the clubhouse. I sighed as I followed her. This wasn’t going to be easy.

I walked in to the rest of the guys and the ladies all greeting her with hugs. She stiffly returned them. I saw Jessica frown at her. Bull came in behind me and called all the guys to church. Gabe, Griffin, and Anderson followed him. Bull looked at Zara. “You too, sweetheart.” She reluctantly headed that way.

Inside, everyone took their seats. Our three guests sat in empty chairs along the wall. Zara tried to sit with them, but I pulled her down on my lap. She struggled to get up. I whispered in her ear,

“Do that wiggle thing again, and I’ll take you to my room right now and fuck the anger right out of you. Listen, then we can talk. You want to yell at me, then do it. But not until we’re alone. In here, you’ll respect the club and behave.” She stopped moving around; however, she refused to look at me.

Bull gestured to Anderson that he had the floor. He stood up. “Okay. So, for those who weren’t there, I’m Zara’s great-uncle. Her mother was my niece.” This had the other guys murmuring in shock.

He continued, “I didn’t tell you because I try to keep that relationship a secret. Because of the work I do, I have enemies. Ones, who if they found out about Zara, could use her to get to me. I planned to tell you after you got back. It wasn’t important to the mission. You weren’t going after her because she was my niece. You were going since she was Demon’s woman, though I know that has been rocky lately.” He glanced at us.

“We reviewed the photos taken at the two sites you hit. The leader wasn’t in any of them. We believe he got away or wasn’t there at the time. However, early this morning, our contacts said they started to hear chatter. That this jefe was looking to get back the female doctor he lost. He has some kind of score to settle. I contacted Gabe and Griffin and we headed straight here. Zara, I know you’re upset, but I only want what’s best for you. Staying here with Bull’s men is one of the safest places you can be. Just until we can track down this jefe guy and get rid of the threat. Then, after that, if you want to leave, I’ll personally take you wherever you want to go. I promise.”

She looked at him. “I don’t need you to take me anywhere. I’ll stay, but I want my own room. I assume I can’t work during this. That means I need to call work and give them an update. Just so you know, when this is over, I’m going to be leaving Tennessee.”

“Like hell you are! You’re not going anywhere, Hellion,” I snapped. She gave me a sneer. God, she was asking for that ass spanking, and I was going to be sure she got it along with my cock buried so damn deep, she’d feel me for a week. My cock started to get hard. She looked at me with wide eyes. She could feel it. I looked at Bull.

“Can you handle the details with them? I need to have a conversation with Zara.” He nodded. She tried to get off my lap, but I held on to her. I told Anderson, “I’ll call you later.” He also gave me a nod. I stood up and threw her over my shoulder and walked out of the room. She swore at me the whole time.

I went straight to my room and threw her gently down on the bed before locking the door. I toed off my boots and took off my cut. She scrambled across the bed and stood up.

“What do you think you’re doing, Demon?”

“I’m getting undressed, like what you’re going to be doing in a second. And stop calling me Demon. We’re alone now. It’s Luca. Remember?

“I’m not going to have sex with you!”

“Good, because it’s not going to be sex. It’s going to be me making love to my woman until we’re both sated. And then we’re going to talk about all the bullshit you’ve been thinking and then make love all over again.”

“Bullshit? What about what you thought about me and Ted? Forget it. We’re not getting in that bed together to do anything. I think the last few weeks have shown us that we’re not compatible. Thank you for coming to get me, but we don’t need to make this any messier than it already is. Let’s just concentrate on finding thisjefe guy and then I can get out of your hair.”

I didn’t bother to argue. I dove across the bed, taking her by surprise. She let out a yelp as I wrestled her to the mattress. I clamped her wrists in my hand and held them over her head so she couldn’t hit me. She was struggling like mad to get away. Her body bucked up off the bed into my chest. I pressed down on her. Her eyes were spitting fire at me, which only made me get harder.

“Go ahead, wiggle, baby. It only makes me hotter and harder. You’re going to listen to me.”

“Fuck you, Demon!” she yelled. I reached over with my free hand and opened my nightstand drawer. Her eyes got big when she saw what I grabbed. It was a pair of handcuffs. She upped the fight, but I outweighed her and had more experience in subduing someone. I secured her arms to the head of the bed. When she went to scream, I grabbed the gag I had and quickly covered her mouth.

“I didn’t want to do this, baby, but you left me no choice. This should be something fun we do together. You have to listen to me. Please. Once you do, I promise I’ll let you go.” She glared at me. I sighed and sat up.

“I know I acted like an ass about Ted. I had no idea who he was to you. When I saw you crying over him and telling him you loved him, it almost killed me. I thought I’d lost your love in a matter of days. Do you have any idea what it was like for me to wake up, find out about that picture, and then find you gone?” She shrugged.

“It was like a knife in the chest. I couldn’t believe you’d think I’d do something like that. I know you have trust issues. I just wish you’d be able to see that I’m not those guys from your past. Yeah, I’ve been with a lot of women, but I never told a single one of them I loved them. They were never a woman I want to spend my life with. You are. You have been since the moment I saw you, Zara.”